||8|| Vlog.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them)
Today was the day I was dreading, the day where I needed to eat or else I'll pass out because of exhaustion. The day I need to make sure my cuts were covered and not going to show anything. Especially on camera.
I sigh and get up from the couch I call my bed. And realize how early it is. Must of fell asleep early, I mean I did have a 3 hour walk and did get lost- and after that just fell asleep on the couch.
Then I have a thought..
If I make breakfast for Tubbo, I don't have to eat- wait fuck I have to eat. I don't want to pass out in fucking trampoline park, And in my fist vlog to!
I walk over to the kitchen, trying my best to be quiet until I get far away from Tubbo's room then close the door leading to the kitchen and start to look at what ingredients i have to work with.
We seem to have the ingredients to make some French toast!
My father loved when I made him that, it calmed him down after his.. melt downs.  I grab a bowl and place it down on the counter top.
Them I open a drawer to find the whisk, once I do I put it my the bowl.
I open more cupboards to find the flour, powdered sugar, salt, cinnamon and vanilla!
Then get the milk and eggs and start to get to work!

I have finished cooking them and they look nice, I still need to cut of some strawberries to put and them, so I do that.
And put them on top- placing them nicely and not to close to each other then I sprinkle some powder sugar on top of it!
It's finally done, I clean up my mess making sure to put everything away and cleaning up the counters.
Just before I'm finished I hear the floor boards creak-
Hope he likes it..

"Good morning!" I say when I see him slowly walk in.
"Hmm.. what did you make" Tubbo says, rubbing his eyes before staring at the food I made.
"Holy shit-.." he says. Fuck did he not want it? I should have asked. I feel so bad..
"Ranboo, how the fuck did you make something that looks this fucking good!" He says, relief washes over me like a river.
"You- you like it..?" I say
"Fuck yes I do!" He yells back. I tense up but go over to sit down with him to eat, I made it somewhat healthy but that's ok. I need to eat, I need to. 

After we are done eating the food I made, Tubbo thanked me for the food and told me it was really good, i get the dishes and clean up. "Alright boss man! Let's get ready to leave before it gets to late, we don't want Tommy to wait to long" Tubbo says. I nod and get ready, I put on a normal short sleeve shirt with a black hoodie with white arms, then normal jeans.

We get to the trampoline park 5 minutes late but that's ok, we grab our stuff and rush in to meet Tommy and George.
I really hope this won't go badly.
Tommy greets up by yelling our names at the top of his lungs. I was wrong, this might actually be fun if I'm carful!
We start filming, we run around, Tubbo does some flips, I just chase Tommy most the time.
I'm the one filming most of the stuff, because I didn't want to show my face. Not like it would matter since Tubbo already did that. Everything is going well until the dodge ball, the game that involves throwing. I offer to film this part but Tommy refuses and says someone else should.
"Cmon Tommy, last time I got hit in the face with something it leaked half my face to the internet. " I say to tell you the truth I didn't mean for it to come out that way.  It sounded like I was trying to gilt trip him, but I wasn't. I just was to tired to actually play dodgeball. Even though I really wanted to I didn't want to risk opening the cuts on my arm. Especially the more recent ones.
"Sorry Tommy, I didn't mean for it to sound that mean, maybe before we play dodgeball we would relax so we have more energy for the bit." I suggest, crossing my fingers just hoping that he would agree.
"Honestly, I do really need a bit of a break" I hear gogy say to Tommy, I let out a breath of relief. Tommy basically worships George, so if George was tired we would all have to wait.
We were all relaxing until George said he was ready to start filming when we were ready, that was Tommy's queue to turn on the camera and challenge all of us to a race. I said I'd do the filming if he wanted, but I was cut off by him counting down..
"Three. Two... one!" Tommy screams. Running off
I start walking instead of running, Tommy sees this and runs back over to me.
"COME ON! LEST GOO!" he yells at me, then grabs the wrist and pull as hard as he could to try and move me.
I feel all of the deep cuts i have previously made open up. I Yelp in pain and pull back my wrist, hurting it even more.I know I have bandages under to stop the bleeding but at this rate it will bleed though.
That's when I run to the washroom, hearing Tommy yell at me from a distance. I don't care, I'll just say I didn't feel well.
I make it to the washroom and lock the door. Almost as soon as I locked it I run over to the paper towel dispenser  and grab a hand full of them. Rolling up my sleeve I see the bandage I had on my wrist, now had little red spots appearing. I unravel them and quickly turn in the tap, carful not to get any blood on the counter I put my wrist under the cold water, it stung a bit, but I got used to it.
I left it under for about 30 seconds more until I turned off the tap and wiped my wrist with the paper towels. Then carefully rapping them back up tightly. I wipe the counter off to to make sure nothing else was there then head back to the group..

Tubbo's POV:

I didn't catch most of it , all I heard was Ranboo yelping in pain then running off.
"Hey Tommy, what was that about?
Tommy reply to my question.
"Well- uh I grab his left arm and tried to force him to run with me, but I think I might have hurt him.." Tommy says back to me, So I was right, He is cutting himself.
"Don't worry Tommy it's not your fault." I say back.
We continue chatting and finish filming the vlog when Ranboo finally comes back.
"H-hey sorry about that! You kinda hurt my arm there so- sorry." He lies to us. I look at him studying his clothes well Tommy apologizes. That's when I notice it. He had blood on his right arm, it wasn't like it was soaked though, more like spots of it.. I decided to let him have 1 more day to tell me before I confront him about his eating disorder and his self harm along with his panic attacks and flinching. But now isn't the time, right now we just need to head home.

Ranboos POV:
We get into the car and I start to drive, it hurts a lot so I just have to suck it up.
"Hey Ranboo." I hear Tubbo say, i hum a response and he continues his sentence.

"What's the red-ish stuff on your sleeve..?"

The book is finally picking up speed! :D
Hope you all are enjoying it and thank you for the support!
Remember to drink water and have a little snack-!
Have a good day/night!
Word count 1384

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