||16|| Please..?

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them! Also, a very quick moving chapter.)

Technos POV:
It's around 2am? I don't really know and I don't really care.. I get woken up by a slight ding of my phone. My ringer was on full blast because I needed to wake up from my alarm so look at who fucking text me at 2am!
I get my phone and check it. Ranboo sent a message..? It's probably nothing so I put my phone back he can wait right...?
He only texts me when he needs something maybe he wants to record with me. And he's still in the uk so it's sorta early there so he can wait till tomorrow.. I put my phone back not checking what he said. Lay back down in my bed and
Went back to sleep.

Ranboos POV:
I wake up in a pool in my own blood, the room smelled slightly like iron..i need to get used to this again right..? This was normal for people to do, at least
That's what my father told me. I look down at my stomach, the cuts were deep. But they were just barely scabbed over..
So i took the risk and stood up, stars fluttering in front of my vision I feel the cuts on my stomach open up, great I will fucking bleed out, I want to die but not like this, I grab my phone so I can text people, I also checked the time, 12pm and no one has texted me, I don't matter to them. I slowly limp up the stairs, dripping the dark red liquid every, the stairs were soaked in my blood.. when I get to the top and grab a white wash cloth and push it onto the cuts, making sure to put pressure on it, the cloth slowly stared to change from his snowflake white to this wine red.. I make it to my room, and sit down in the unicorn chair. It was already ruined the minute I sit down, getting the same red liquid everywhere.
I have five hours till my father comes home, might as well stream!

I open discord and join a random vc then I start the stream with a happy voice with my iconic 'hi chat :D' I'm never really happy on stream, when you met the real me. It's more like 'Hi, I'm Ranboo and I'm just a fucking coward with no life~ wee I harm myself because I can't handle my own problems-!.' At least that's what my father says to me, I believe him. I can't get through a single beating without a good cry. I like the pain, I've learned and have been taught to like it. Speaking of that, the bloody cloth was overflowing with blood. Like I had to drain it out into a fucking bowl..
I didn't realize how quick 5 hours went by, because before I know it I hear the door slam. I make a quick excuse and end stream and ran downstairs leaving the bloody cloth on my floor. I didn't care that i was dizzy.. I knew that it would be worse if I didn't get here sooner..
"Sorry sir! . . ." I say making sure to sound happy and not make eye contact.
I get slapped immediately get slapped across the face oh wow.. I'm fucked. Like actually. . .

"YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SHIT! By the time you are 20, you'll be disowned and dead. Maybe because you never learn fucking anything, since all you do is stream, eat, sleep, eat, stream. Stop eating for god sake, just fucking learn t9 be a MAN! you need to fucking grow up!" He yells at me, I forgot he has my twitch notifications on. So he can track when I'm streaming so he can take the money.
"I'm sorry sir- but remember mom is going to be home soon" i get cut off by my father grabbing me by my neck.
"WHES NOT COMING BACK YOU FAT FUCK. SHE LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU!" He screamed at me, slamming me against the wall on the last 'you!'
"That's it.. your going to fucking get it now.. and your going to help me out with something.." He says lowering his voice, into a raspy sadistic tone.
Fuck no not this again, he only does this when I get him really pissed off...

I closed his eyes tightly, trying to regulate my breathing, reminding myself that this was normal and that it shouldn't upset dad.  This happened with every family right... I feel my shirt get taken off and then my sweatpants.
so i lay there on the cold marble floor, trying not to cry as I braced himself for the pain that was soon to follow. I tried to distance himself from this 'situation' I had taught himself to do this when I was around 9?,soon it just felt like I was watching from the 3rd person..

My father finished and then throw my on the floor and stomped on me. "Go clean up mistake." He says.
I wait for him to go back to the bar. It took a bit but he did leave.. I slowly get up.. my stomach had stopped bleeding it now my back side hurt, but I need to feel in control of my own life, I'm done with being used I'm my own person not a slave.. 'this is normal.' I keep repeating to myself.. this was normal
I make it up stairs and run and grab one of my blades. I don't care if I die. I want to die right now. My life is hell everyone else can deal with this but I can't! Running into my room and slamming my doors I sit down and I dig the blade into my thighs, my arms were to full at this points. I do several deep cuts, I didn't take long until I felt dizzy..
Until I heard a mumble noise from my headphones?.. who might that be.. sounded like techno..?
I try to get up but I feel myself hit the floor, my vision went black.. the last thing i sorta hear the person yell out


Shorter chapter sorry! Also, I need to apologize for not being consistent in posting these chapters, I have school so.. ANYWAYS!
Remember to stay hydrated, hope you have a good day/night!

Word count! 1086

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