Chapter 2

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After Ash brought me home yesterday I texted my dad to let him know I was home and then called Indiana and explained everything. When my dad got home he took me to the doctor who said my ankle wasn't broken but I would need crutches for a few days, after that I would be fine. When I got home from the hospital, I explained everything to Josie while we were sitting on my bed. "He seriously just picked you up and carried you like you weigh nothing?" She asked.

"Excuse me, what's that supposed to-" I stopped, hearing our mom enter the house. She must've just gotten home from work. I prayed she wasn't in a bad mood. When she was, she would come home and yell at me and Josie for not doing our chores or not doing them correctly. If we get one thing wrong she will yell and she won't stop for hours. We have to do chores while she watches before she'll stop. Sometimes she doesn't even yell at us about our chores. Sometimes she yells for little things like me or Josie asking a question. She just likes to take her anger out on us I guess. Most of the time I just suck it up and deal with it. Everyone has to deal with it, right?

As me and Josie walked out to the kitchen we braced for the yelling. She had slammed the door when she walked in the house, probably because we didn't come outside to carry her things inside for her. We walked into the kitchen and realized she was in a good mood. 

I saw Josie let out a small breath as I did the same, realizing we wouldn't have to endure the yelling today. I told our mother what happened to my ankle and about my day as she complained about her day. Afterwards, Josie and I walked back to my room to keep talking and soon after that Josie went back to her room, leaving me to read for the rest of the night.

Much to my dismay, my parents had decided I still needed to go to school since the doctor had said it was okay. I had a feeling that my sworn enemy, Ava, and her posse of friends were gonna have fun tormenting me for a few days. They've always hated me for reasons I didn't understand so I just had to deal with them. Normally they wouldn't touch me, they'd just make fun of me from a distance but now that I was on crutches I could do nothing to stop them.

Sure enough, I was right. Soon after first period I was washing my hands in the bathroom with my crutches right next to me when Ava and her group of friends came in. Ava knocked my crutches onto the ground and one of the other girls kicked my ankle. 

I sucked in a sharp breath and tried not to scream from the pain shooting up my leg. After a minute or two, I bent down to pick up my crutches while Ava and her posse continued to laugh. I got my crutches and walked to my next class ignoring their laughter.

All of my other classes went well until just before last period. I was getting a drink at the water fountain with my crutches leaning against the wall next to me and my leg bent behind me so my bad ankle wasn't on the ground. As I was getting a drink Ava came out from a classroom and knocked into my ankle just like her friend did earlier. Pain shot up my leg and I felt tears well up in my eyes for the second time today.

"Oops-" She said as I glared at her. "I guess I just didn't see you there."

I wanted to cuss her out but if I opened my mouth I was afraid I would scream. We glared at each other until she turned and walked away. I dropped to the floor, trying to stop the pain. The doctor had said it could hurt worse than a broken ankle at times but I hadn't expected this much pain.

Then again, I don't think the doctor expected anyone to purposefully run into it.

I had been on the floor for around five minutes before people started walking down the hallway, trying to get to their next class. I tried to stand so nobody stepped on my ankle and made it worse but my crutches were out of reach so I was struggling when Ashton saw me. He walked over, grabbed the crutches and handed them to me.

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