Chapter 12

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⚠️TW: There is physical abuse in this chapter. If that triggers you I would skip the first part of this chapter and go straight to Ash's pov⚠️


I ran towards my house and threw open the door. Seeing that my parents weren't in the living room, I tried to walk to my room without being noticed.

"Esther. Mae. Harlow." My mom seethed from the kitchen.

Shit. That plan didn't last long.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, knowing my mom was about to yell. The tone of her voice told me all I needed to know, she's pissed and I'm about to be at the receiving end of her anger. Then again, that's nothing new.

"I told you to be home at nine. It's now ten-fifteen. Why the fuck were you not home when I told you to be?" She fumed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your text. It never came through." I tried to explain but she didn't want to hear it.

"I bought you a phone for a reason. USE IT!" She started yelling and I knew she wasn't going to stop any time soon. "Instead of having sex with your boyfriend, fucking answer your damn phone!" She slammed her fist down on the table and I was sure she wanted that to be my face.

My mother has always thought that any relationship is about sex and sex only. Otherwise, in her book, it's just a friendship. I've tried to explain it to her but she doesn't listen. She never does. It got annoying and I didn't want to listen to it anymore. "Oh my god, mom. Not every relationship is just about sex!" I yelled back.

Wrong move, Esther. Wrong damn move.

My mom walked over me, punched the cabinet behind my head and started yelling at me from two inches in front of my face. "YOU DO NOT GET TO USE THAT ATTITUDE WITH ME, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? YOU LIVE IN MY HOUSE, FOR FREE, NEED I REMIND YOU?!"

Ah yes, the 'freeloader' card. That's what she liked to call me and Josie. While it was true for Josie because she was 18 and still living with our parents, I was a child. According to the law, my parents are obligated to put a roof over my head until I was 18.

"I'm a child! I'm sorry, you had children and have to live with them everyday! Sorry you made a mistake, but that's not our fault!" I yelled back at her before I had time to think it through.

Shit Shit Shit. Just anger her more, why not?

"You two are not mistakes and you need to stop saying that you are!"

"You sure treat us like we are." I mumbled as she stepped back.

I knew she hated it when we mumbled but I didn't think anything of it at the moment. That was, until I looked at her. She was angrier than I'd seen her since I was little. That's not good. That's really not good.

She's always had horrible anger issues but as me and Josie got older she controlled it better. Now she wasn't in control at all. I tried to back up but I only got an inch when my back ran into the cabinet she had punched earlier, narrowly missing my head. I could tell by the look in her eyes that this time she wasn't going to miss.

I was right. I didn't have time to process what was happening before I had her fist collide with my nose. I reached up to my face, checking if my nose was broken or bleeding when the second hit came. 

She punched my eye and then my stomach, effectively knocking the air out of me. I doubled over and fell onto the floor, clutching my stomach as she turned around and walked away. She stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. Turning back to me for only a second, she opened her mouth to talk but before she could say anything my dad rushed in the kitchen.

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