Chapter 69

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A/n : Y'all- This is the last chapter😭


After a long day of paperwork I walked into my apartment, finding it silent and no Mae in sight. "Darling?" I called out, not seeing her in the kitchen or the living room where she normally was.

"Bedroom." She called back. Her voice sounded distracted and I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked to our bedroom. As I let the door slowly swing open I smiled and shook my head a little, seeing her in bed reading.

Just taking one look at her I could tell she didn't see me watching her, too engrossed in her book. Her knees were bent as her book rested against them, her back leaned against the headboard and her facial expression were faintly changing as she read, as if she were acting out the emotions the characters were going through.

I always loved watching her read, it was cute seeing her scrunch her nose up when she got second hand embarrassment or blush and shift the book when she got to a sex scene when I laid next to her and she didn't want me to see it. It was cute how she thought I had no clue what she read. I'd known since she first started reading them around me, I'd wanted to buy her books that she might like so I had looked up some of the books she had said she liked. They were all classified as 'erotica' which I had to look up the meaning of.

Walking over to the bed, I sat down and pulled Mae into my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist while my chin rested on her shoulder. "Can I read with you, darling?" I mumbled against her neck.

She hesitated before nodding and getting comfortable in my lap, her head rested against my chest as she held up the book for us to read.

I was half way through the first page when she flipped it, already having read the two open pages. "Wait, how did you read that fast? I'm still on the first page,"

Mae laughed. "Should I just read it to you? That way I can read at my pace and you won't fall behind?" She asked, tilting her head back to look up at me as she spoke.

I paused. I'd get to listen to her voice while she did something she loved– while cuddling? Hell yes. "I'd fucking love that, darling."

"Are you comfortable? We might be here a while."

I nodded before thinking better of it and quickly shaking my head. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but before she could ask I moved her out of my lap, setting her next to me in the same spot she was when I came in the room. I moved down the bed and laid between her legs with my head on Mae's stomach, chuckling as she rested her book on the top of my head.

"Ready?" She lifted the book to look down at me and I nodded. I closed my eyes as she started reading, letting myself rest as I listened to her voice. She stumbled over her words at the beginning before getting comfortable with it and losing herself in the book, seemingly forgetting she was still reading aloud.

After a few minutes of her reading I was beginning to fall asleep when Mae's voice quieted before fully stopping. I lifted my head off her stomach and looked up at her with an eyebrow raised. "Darling?" I sat up, seeing a blush now coating her cheeks, making me confused. "Why'd you stop?"

I looked down at the book, quickly finding the stop she left off at and skimming over the rest of the page as I tried to figure out what made her stop. My eyes stopped on one particular sentence and understanding took over my confusion. 'He thrusted his finger into her quickly and mercilessly..' I chuckled as I looked back at Esther, moving her hair away and beginning to kiss her neck. "Keep going, baby."

She hesitated and seemed to want to protest but decided against it, beginning to read again as I kissed her neck. "That's my girl." I mumbled in her ear, making her stumble over her words as I watched her clench her thighs together.

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