Chapter 51

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After getting home from ice skating Ash and I both decided to take a nap, he had fallen on the ice quite a few times and I knew he was exhausted and sore so I agreed. We laid down next to each other before Ash moved on top of me as he attempted to get comfortable, wrapping his arms around me while his head laid on my chest to use me as a pillow.

My hands ran through his hair and not even a few minutes later his breathing evened out, telling me he had already fallen asleep. Since I wasn't very tired and I knew I wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon, I decided to pull out my phone and order some groceries. I saw this morning when I opened the fridge to get milk that there was almost nothing in there, it was the same with the cabinets. There was almost no food in the whole apartment.

Halfway through picking out the groceries Ash decided to reposition himself. I moved my phone out of his way so he wouldn't hit it while he moved. He moved his body up and rested his head in between my shoulder and my head before wrapping his arms back around my body and falling back asleep.

I continued shopping and paid for the groceries before laying my phone down and played with Ash's hair until I fell asleep too since the groceries wouldn't arrive for another two hours.

I woke up some time later to the feeling of Ash moving. His body weight lifted off of me and felt the bed dip before opening my eyes. Ash was walking out of the bedroom and into the living room area, leaving the door open behind him.

I stayed in bed, not yet waiting to get out of the warm covers. I closed my eyes and moved the comforter up to cover my arms but when I listened to the front door open I finally stood up, wanting to see where Ash was going. When I made it to the doorway of our room I heard plastic bags rustling and realized what Ash was doing.

I must've slept longer than I thought. I walked into the kitchen and start putting some of the things away when Ash walked away to get the rest of the bags. I put away the cold things first like milk, cheese and meat before moving onto the boxes of things like instant mashed potatoes and pancake mix.

The front door shut a few seconds before Ash walked back into the kitchen, seeing me already putting away things. "Did you buy all this, darling?" He asked, looking at all the bags littering the floor and the counter.

I nodded. "I saw you were out of almost everything this morning so I ordered some groceries while you were asleep."

Ash smiled and set down the bags he was holding before walking over to me and tilting my head up to him. He leaned down and gave me a slow kiss before slightly pulling back. "Thank you, darling." He kissed me again, not giving me a chance to respond. "You looked beautiful earlier." He complimented, changing the subject and making me blush as he looked me up and down.

I smiled a little, remembering when he had fallen on top of me and stayed there for a minute, just looking down at me. "When I was skating or when I was under you?" I jokingly asked.

Ash stepped forward, making me take a step back. I looked down and focused on our outfits instead of the butterflies in my stomach from the look in his eyes. We hadn't changed out of our clothes before we fell asleep and we were still dressed in the outfits we wore to the ice skating rink. I was wearing a black knit, oversized shirt paired with blue skinny jeans while Ash was still in the black jeans he had worn, having taken off his shirt when we got home.

I looked back up at him to find him staring down at me, the same wanting look in his eyes. Ash smirked as my back hit the fridge and he leaned down to my ear. "Both." He huskily mumbled. He started kissing my neck before moving to his favorite spot below my ear.

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