Chapter 4

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⚠️TW: There is a sexual assault scene in this chapter. If things like that trigger you I would suggest skipping this chapter.⚠️


A few weeks later, my ankle had finally healed and I could walk on my own again. Me and Ash still talk and I think we are friends now but I'm not really sure yet. I definitely like him but I'm still waiting for him to make the first move. 

Tonight Indiana, Josie, and I are going to a party that one of my classmates is hosting while his parents are out of town. My dad agreed to it as long as me and Josie don't drink. I didn't mind but I'm sure Josie will, she drinks more than I do normally.

Indiana came over at 6:30 to pick us up. My dad wouldn't let me and Josie leave until he was sure we knew not to drink.

"I think we've got it, dad. No drinking. We're only going to hang out with some friends anyway." Josie assured him.

"Okay," he sighed, "now go before I change my mind."

Josie hurried out the door and I followed. Our dad could change his mind any second and I didn't want to be here when he did.

"Hurry up girls, we're gonna be late!" Indi yelled from her car.

"We're coming, hold your horses, Indi." I laughed as I climbed in the passenger seat and Josie climbed in the back.

"My God, you look good. Are you trying to impress a certain someone, Esther?" Indi questioned when she saw me. I had on a soft, short, black, sleeveless bodycon dress and silver heels and necklace. I thought it looked good too but I hadn't thought about Ash being at this party. What if he was though? Would he like it? Maybe it was too short for just a party.

"Wait, you have a certain someone? Esther, why didn't you tell me!" Josie squealed, cutting off my thoughts. I hadn't had time to tell her since she'd been working so much recently, normally I tell her and Indi everything.

"To be fair, you've been working a lot so there was never much time to tell you." I pointed out.

"Okay that's true. But you could've found some time to tell me."

"Sorry, sis. I'll tell you everything tomorrow." I promised.

"You better!"

Five minutes later we pulled up to the party. There were already a bunch of people and the party only started 30 minutes ago. I found myself looking for Ash as soon as we walked in. I chided myself, if I kept looking for Ash and he wasn't here I'd be disappointed the rest of the night and I didn't want to ruin the night. I forced myself to look for some of my other friends from school-- whom, I realized, weren't here yet.

I ended up hanging out with only Indi until the rest of our friends arrived. We were having a great time dancing and talking for about an hour or so. I decided I was going to go find the kitchen and get some water.

When I made it to the kitchen there were a couple girls standing around and talking so I grabbed a cup and filled it with tap water. I knew better than to ask someone for a drink. Just as I finished off the cup of water and walked out of the kitchen I saw Ash walk in the house. I was going to go talk to him but before I could, Josie and Indi grabbed my arms and pulled me towards them. "You've had your water now come back and dance with us, girl!" Indi had to yell over the music for me to hear her.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." I'd find Ash and talk to him later. We have all night.

After dancing for a while I lost Indi and Josie in the crowd. I was trying to find them but I couldn't see over everybody's heads. "Looking for someone?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

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