Chapter 25

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"Esther! Come down here!" I put down the book I was reading and walked downstairs to see what my mom needed. I silently prayed she hadn't found out that I left school for a whole period earlier.

Both me and Ash had made it to our next classes on time once we got back to the school and it was a free period so technically we didn't do anything wrong but I knew  if my mom found out she would want to know where I went during that period and why.

As I walked downstairs I started thinking about what happened while Ash and I were in the woods. My face started to flush at the thought of it. I wasn't able to control myself when he started kissing my neck and I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed than I was when I moaned earlier. I didn't mean to but it was like I couldn't control what my body did or the sounds that I made.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts as I walked towards the couch and hopped onto it next to Josie. "What's up?" I asked as I looked at both my parents who were sitting on the smaller couch beside the bigger one which me and Josie were sitting on.

"Your dad and I were talking about taking you girls roller skating tonight to have some fun." Mom spoke up first. "What do you think?"

Josie and I both looked at each other in shock. They haven't taken us skating since we were little. It'd be amazing to go and have some fun like old times instead of fighting like we do so much now. "Hell yes." Josie smiled as she responded.

"What she said." I laughed as I gestured to Josie since I wasn't allowed to cuss in the house since I wasn't eighteen yet. That was one of the many rules in our house; no cussing until you're eighteen. She and my dad have told me before that they don't care if I curse when I'm not around them as long as they don't hear about it from other people. It's a dumb rule if you ask me but I'm not going to fight my parents about it. 

My mom and dad both laughed at our responses. "Go get ready, we're leaving in 15 minutes."

She didn't need to tell us twice. Josie and I jumped off the couch and raced towards the stairs trying to get to our rooms. I had gotten to the stairs first but I could only get up two steps before Josie grabbed me and pulled me backwards, making me fall back to the floor so she could get in front of me. "That is so not fair!" I yelled as I raced up the stairs after her.

I was gaining as we both stepped up the last stair and she started running down the hall but I grabbed the back of her shirt, accidentally grabbing some of her hair too, and shoved her behind me, effectively getting to my room first. I quickly shut the door knowing and slid down it, trying to catch my breath while laughing. "You're going to pay for that!" She tried to sound intimidating but it miserably failed due to her not being able to control her laughs.

We both definitely needed this distraction from our stressful lives. We both needed a break from everything and I had a feeling this night was going to be the best we've had for a while.

I stood up and walked away from the door after I stopped laughing, starting to get ready. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a half up half down style and tied the top part up into a simple bun. I took off my sweatpants that I put on when I got home from school and changed into some cute skinny jeans and changed my top to a plain black t-shirt and grabbed a jean jacket in case I needed it.

I slipped my phone into my back pocket as I walked out of my room and down the hall towards the stairs. After walking downstairs I sat on the couch I was on previously while my parents and I all waited for Josie.

A minute later she too walked downstairs, she was wearing a white supreme sweatshirt with black leggings and white converse. "Everyone ready to go now?" My dad asked as she stepped off the last stair.

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