Chapter 65

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I was working in my office when my phone started ringing, letting me know I was getting a call. Sighing in annoyance, I pulled the phone out of my pocket and answered it without looking at the caller ID. I hadn't been able to focus for the past hour because something didn't feel right and as soon as I let it go and finally focused my damn phone had to ring. "Ash," Seth's worried voice came through the phone, immediately making my body freeze.

He was the type of guy to not worry about much, he was normally the calm and collected guy of my group. He never normally got worried until something was really wrong or he knew I would freak. Hearing him worried right now instantly made my body become rigid. "What is it?"

"Get to the bookstore. Now." I ended the call after hearing his words, not waiting another second before grabbing my keys and running down the stairs. I shoved my way out of the front door and to my car, not caring who was in my way as I pushed past them.

"Woah, boss. What's going on?" Roy asked as I pushed him out of the way.

I ignored his question as I got into my car and shut the door, not bothering to buckle as I turned on my car and pulled out of the parking lot, speeding to the bookstore.

Mae had stopped by my office almost two hours ago saying she wanted to see me before she went to the bookstore. I had a bad feeling as she left my office but I shook it off, thinking it was just because I hadn't seen her much the past few days because I'd been working so much and I wanted her to stay. I wish I had just fucking told her to stay.

I didn't know what was going on at the store but I hoped for the best while I prepared myself for the worst.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts as I turned onto the road the bookstore was on only to see orange flames licking the sky where the bookstore once was. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Please be okay, Mae. Don't fucking leave me.

I quickly pulled into a parking spot before throwing the car into park and jumped out of the car, running towards the building. I only stopped when I saw Seth standing by one of the fire trucks. "Where the hell is she, Seth?" As I waited for him to answer I silently prayed to any God there was that she was standing behind me and I just couldn't see her.

What little hope I had was crushed when Seth spoke, not even looking me in the eye when he said it. "Nobody knows if she made it out. We've been looking for her but we haven't seen her. The only explanation is that she's still in there."

"Fuck!" I yelled, catching the attention of everyone around us. "Call Indiana and Josie, tell them what's going on." I ordered him, turning towards the burning building.

He shook his head. "I already did, I let them know first. They're on their way."

I spun back around, anger filling my body. "You called them before calling me? Seth you knew damn well that I'd get here faster, you knew that I was closer, yet you still called them first."

"Ash, I knew when I told you you'd come over here and run into the building. I want to save her too but we can't risk two people."

I clenched my fists as I tried to hold myself back from punching him. "And you think because you called me last I'm just going to sit back and let her burn now? I'm not letting her suffer until she runs out of clean air, you fucking idiot!" I yelled, not waiting for an answer as I turned around and took off my shirt, soaking it in the bucket of water I found nearby before I ran towards the building.

I pushed through the crowds of police officers, firefighters and families that were gathered around watching the building in horror as they stood on the grass across the street.

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