Chapter 39

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Josie pulled me into the house and immediately I knew she wasn't bluffing about mom being pissed. I knew this was my fault for spending the night at Ash's house last night without her permission so I was nervous for her to see me. No doubt she was going to scold me for hours but I couldn't help but wonder what else would happen.

She seemed pretty pissed already and she hadn't even seen me yet, so I started wondering what she was going to do when she actually saw me. She's hit me before so what's stopping her from doing it now?

I shook that thought out of my head, telling myself it was only a one time thing. I was sure she wouldn't hit me again.

I walked into the kitchen and stood against the table and I didn't need to say anything to let my mother know I was there. She spun around, hearing my footsteps, I assume, and immediately started yelling at me. I braced for the hour of yelling coming my way while still leaning against the table.

"So now you don't listen to me, huh?" She was fuming and the tone of her voice told me tonight wasn't going to be a fun night. "When I tell you not to stay the night at someone's house, you fucking listen! It wasn't a fucking suggestion!" She slammed her fist into the wooden cabinet door behind her, making a hole in it.

I flinched from the sudden loud noise and looked over, seeing that Josie wasn't next to me. I realized she must've gone up to her room and left me to deal with mom alone. Great.

My attention snapped back to my mother as she came closer to me and got in my face. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Esther!"

I backed up a little, not wanting her so close to my face. Personal space please.

Before I could think anything else the palm of her hand landed on my cheek. "Don't give me attitude, brat."

I stumbled back a little, shocked from the slap. I guess I said that out loud. My mother took another step towards me and lifted her fist, slamming it into my eye so hard I was sure I'd have a black eye for a couple weeks.

I took a few steps back, wanting enough space between us that she was too far away to hit me but for every step I took backwards, she took one forwards. "Now you want to run?" She sent her fist to my face again, this time hitting my nose and I cried out from the pain that shot through my face. "First you don't listen and then you want to run away? Don't do something if you're not ready for the consequences, Esther."

She sent her fist into my stomach just like she did a few weeks ago, hitting me right in between my ribs in the middle of my stomach. "Next time listen to your damn mother and don't give me attitude."

My eyes started watering from the pain shooting from both my nose that my mother had surely just broken and my stomach. I turned my head to see if my mother was gone and I saw her nowhere in sight.

The only person I could see was my dad standing in the doorway with a look of shock on his face. I was sure he had seen the whole thing, or at least most of it, by the look he was giving me.

He looked like he couldn't believe what he just watched and before I could say anything to him he turned around and scurried away, probably off to find my mother.

I let the tears of pain fall as I walked upstairs to my room. I had all the first aid things I would need already in there so I didn't need to use the bathroom. I sat down in front of my bed after walking in and closing the door. Pulling the small first aid kit out from under my bed, I grabbed the small silver mirror off my desk and opened the first aid kit in front of me to pull out everything I would need.

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