Chapter 68

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I left Ash in the kitchen to clean up lunch while I walked to our closet to try to find something to wear tonight. Tim called Ash a few minutes ago to tell us that him and Kyle wanted everyone to come over tonight around five to hang out. He said they just wanted to have a get together since we hadn't gotten together in a while, especially since Parker had been away visiting his mom for the last month or so and now he was back.

As much as Tim tried to convince us they only wanted to invite us over to hang out I had a feeling there was something else. After all, instead of saying he wanted to invite us to his house, Tim told us he wanted to invite us to their house. Tim and Kyle didn't live together the last time I knew and I had a feeling there was only one reason they would've moved in with each other.

I riffled through my clothes as I tried to figure out what to wear. I didn't want anything to fancy so dresses weren't a choice. We were only going to be at Tim's house and I didn't want anything too uncomfortable since I would have to be in it for a few hours.

I finally decided on an emerald green knit sweater, dark skinny jeans and tan boots that ended an inch above my ankle. Grabbing everything and setting it down on the bed, I walked into the bathroom to shower, knowing I had only two hours until we needed to leave.

As I walked towards the bathtub I realized I wouldn't have enough time to dry my hair so instead of taking a shower I settled for a bath so I could at least shave. I turned the water and waited for it to fill the tub after putting the plug in the drain and pouring in some soap so there would be bubbles. While it filled I pulled my hair up so it wouldn't hit the water and I washed my face since I forgot to earlier.

When the tub was full I shut off the water and stepped into it, slowly sinking under the bubbles. I rested my head against the wall behind me as I listened to the sound of Ash cleaning up the kitchen. I could hear cabinets opening then closing and dishes hitting each other as he washed and dried them.

After a few minutes I sat up and grabbed my razor along with my shaving cream. I was just applying the shaving cream onto my legs when Ash walked into the bathroom, walking up to me and giving me a kiss before sitting down next to the bathtub.

I laughed. "Hi, love. What are you doing?"

Ash shrugged and chuckled. ''I want to spend time with you, you think you'd be used to it by now, darling."

I laughed again as I shook my head. "I am, just not when I'm in the bath. Normally you're doing other things while I'm bathing."

"Then we'll have to make specific bath times so I can sit with you." He shrugged again.

I rolled my eyes amusedly. "You're cute when you're clingy."


Walking into Tim's house, Ash and I found no one inside. We called out their names as Ash checked the kitchen and I went to the living room. I was about to go check the bedrooms but I started hearing muffled voices. Snapping my head towards the sound, I found all of our friends talking on the patio just outside the sliding glass doors on the other side of the room.

"Found them." I glanced back at Ash as he walked into the living room from the kitchen.

"Of course they would be outside on the coldest day of the damn week." He rolled his eyes and followed me outside to the patio. I walked out first, leaving Ash to shut the door behind us.

As we walked out all of our friends' attention turned to us. Looking around, I realized even Parker and Roy were already here who were always late. "It took you two long enough." Indi laughed. "We've all been here for thirty minutes." She was sitting on the porch railing next to the grill where Seth seemed to be cooking something.

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