Chapter 59

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"What about this?" Indi asked, turning around and holding up a white cropped tank top and dark skinny jeans for Josie and I to see. "It's nothing too fancy but it's still cute right?"

Josie agreed it looked good but I wasn't sure about it. I knew it would look good on her but it was nearing winter and it was going to be cold out. I didn't think a cropped tank top would be best in this weather.

"I don't know, Indi. It's supposed to be kind of cold tonight, do you have a coat that could go with it?" I suggested

She thought about it for a minute before setting the shirt and pants down. She turned back to her closet and moved some hangers around until she found what she wanted. "Perfect."

Indi turned around to show us the coat. It was a white and plaid teddy coat that came down to around her mid thighs and went perfectly with her outfit. "Okay, time for shoes." Josie spoke up. "Do you still have those black high-top converse from sophomore year?"

"I think so but I'm not sure they still fit." Indi moved towards her bed and grabbed a tote from under it, riffling through it until she found the shoes. She easily slipped them on before excitedly looking up at Josie and I who were sitting on her bed. "They fit!"

Josie clapped her hands and I laughed. Finally after three hours, we had found an outfit for Indi to wear tonight. Wait, three hours?

"Indi?" I asked, looking at the time on my phone, it was already almost six. "What time did he say he would be here?"

"Around six thirty, why?" She took the shoes off and slid the tote back under her bed, adding the converse to the pile of clothes.

"It's almost six. You only have about forty minutes and that only if he's not early." I showed her my phone screen so she knew I wasn't lying.

Her face paled. "Shit shit shit." She ran a hand through her hair as she started stressing. "I still have to take a shower, do my makeup, get dressed and style my hair." She rushed out, looking at Josie and I with pleading eyes. "I'm going to be late and he's going to hate me."

"Okay, okay." I said, knowing I needed to calm her down. "He's not going to hate you. Go take a quick shower and then Josie and I will help you get ready, okay?"

Indi nodded quickly and rushed into the bathroom. As I listened to the water turn on, my phone started blowing up with text messages and missed calls.

I unlocked my phone only to see eight missed calls and thirteen text messages from Ash. The first text was from almost an hour ago and yet I was just now receiving it, along with the rest of them. I sighed in irritation, knowing my phone must've randomly stopped letting me receive text messages and calls like it did sometimes.

I really need to get a new one. To be honest it had been on my list of things to do for the past month or so when it first started doing this I just never had time to go get a new one.

5:08 pm 'How's it going?'

5:09pm 'Are you having fun, darling?'

5:15pm 'Mae?'

5:17pm 'Mae, answer me.'

5:25pm 'You're worrying me, Esther.'

5:25pm 'Normally you answer by now'

5:26pm 'Please tell me you're alright.'

5:28pm 'Fuck it. I'm coming to get you.'

5:40pm 'Esther, where the hell are you?'

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