Chapter 49

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"Are you ready, darling?" I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror when Ash walked up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist. He laid his chin on my shoulder after kissing the side of my head.

Today was the day. September 19th; Matthew's trial date. The day I would have to walk into a courtroom with my kidnapper and relive every detail of the days that have caused me nightmares for years. I'd have to relive the days that changed my life forever and the days that I've tried my damnedest to forget.

I took a deep breath, looking myself over once more. I was dressed in a long, tight, high rise black skirt that ended just above my knees paired with a white button up long sleeve shirt. "I think so." I finally answered Ash.

He moved his hands to my hips and turned me around. "I'll be right there the whole time." He reminded me. "If you need me or you don't want to do or say something just tell me and I'll be there." He leaned down, giving me a slow kiss before standing back up and taking my hand in his.

Ash led me out of the bathroom, through his apartment, out of the building and to his car. The trial started in forty-five minutes but the judge wanted all the witnesses to arrive thirty minutes early. No one knew why and I didn't feel like asking either, it wasn't my main priority right now.

"What if I have a panic attack and I can't tell them anything?" I worried aloud as I watched the outside scenery fly past the window of Ash's challenger.

Ash laid his hand on my thigh and rubbed it softly. "Then I'll take you home and we can stay there the rest of the day and you can know you tried your hardest to help."

I looked away from the window, instead turning my attention to the man behind the wheel who was glancing between me and the road. I love you. I wanted to say it; to say those three words but I didn't think the time was right. I didn't know what he would say but I didn't want to chance it. I needed him right now and I wouldn't be able to do this if he told me that he didn't love me back. That would just be another thing to add to my list of things stressing me out.

"Thank you." I said instead. My voice was weak with so many worries still weighing on me but when he gave me a small smile I knew he heard me.

I must've been staring out the window longer than I thought because when I turned back to the front window Ash was already pulling into the parking lot of the courthouse. There were four girls gathered in a group around the front doors, all looked to be around my age, one looked younger and one looked a little older but only by a year or two.

Ash found a spot to park and got out, walking to my door and opening it for me. I stepped out of the car and grabbed Ash's hand after he closed the door. Together we walked up to the small group of girls who I assumed were the other victims of Matthew. Ash had told me a while ago that there were only four other girls that could be at the trial. He told me that Matthew kidnapped more girls than that but the rest weren't found in time.

"Mr. Dalloway," One of the girls spoke up, she was around 5'7'' with curly brown hair. She was dressed in Black dress pants and a beige top, she had on minimal makeup and I could see why. She was naturally beautiful, even without makeup she looked like a model. "We didn't think you would be coming today."

"I wouldn't normally Ms. Arley but this time is different." He answered her, not giving her a second glance before looking back at me. "When I spoke to you all I told you that there was one other girl that was going to be there, if you recall."

The women in front of us agreed, not taking their eyes off Ash when he spoke. It made me jealous from how obviously they were checking him out and I wanted to scream we were together. Although, I would be the first to admit he did look hot today, dressed in a navy blue button up dress shirt that showed off his large shoulders paired with black slacks.

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