Chapter 30

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"We're going to go knock and see if he'll come out willingly but I want everyone ready for anything that could happen. I'm not taking any chances. I'll do most of the talking, stay behind me." I told my team, my voice low so Meager couldn't hear me even if he came outside.

Both of our cars were parked in front of his neighbor's house and we had been sitting here for almost an hour, giving his visitors time to leave if they were going to. I finally decided to go get him while his visitors were still in his house since it seemed like they weren't leaving any time soon.

My team nodded in understanding and I turned away from them, walking towards Meager's house. I knocked heavily on his door after climbing the old steps to his front porch.

There was no sound from the other side of the door so I knocked again after a few seconds.

This time there was shuffling and then the door swung open. A man in his early thirties with blonde hair and light green eyes was standing in the middle of the doorway looking at all of the men standing on the small front porch. "Can I help you?"

"We're looking for Anthony Meager." I informed the man, already knowing that the guy in front of me wasn't Anthony.

"Of course, come on in." The man waved us inside.

I looked back at my team to make sure they were prepared as the man walked farther into the house, expecting us to follow him.

After concluding that we were all ready for anything that might happen, I turned back to the open door and followed the man inside.

He turned into an open doorway which led to a living room with a hallway connected to it on the other side.

"My brother is playing cards with his friends right now but I'm sure he won't mind the intrusion." The man led us through the living room and down the hallway, stopping at a large wooden door and opening it for us after knocking once.

I walked in with my team behind me as Anthony's brother stepped aside. I looked at each man around the small table in the dimly lit room until my eyes landed on Anthony. His black hair and blue eyes were looking between my team and I. "Anthony, stand up." I spoke as I walked around the table towards him.

"Why? Who the fuck are you?" He asked, obviously pissed that we interrupted him and his friends.

"We're with the Miles City, Montana FBI and we have a warrant for your arrest." I grabbed his upper arm and lifted him out of the chair, knowing he wouldn't stand up on his own.

"What the fuck, man." One of his friends spoke up. "You can't just come in here and take him out of his own house." I looked at the man who spoke and found it was the one who looked like a Thor wanna-be with his long, and very obviously dyed, wavy blonde hair paired with his fake colored contacts which made one of his eyes blue and the other green.

Anthony struggled to get out of my hold but my hand tightened around his arm as I answered Mr. Wanna-be-Thor. "I can if I have a fucking warrant."

Another one of his friends, the one who I noticed first when I came in thanks to his bright pink hair, stood up and blocked the door as I walked towards it. "I thought the FBI couldn't cross state lines to arrest someone." The friend in front of the door spoke.

I rolled my eyes. These fuckers really weren't going to get out of my way, were they? "That's true unless you get permission. Now, move your ass out of my way. I'm not here to teach you how the damn government works."

"Just let him go, first." The third friend spoke up, making my gaze turn to him. He was skinnier than the rest of them and had almost no muscle in his arms. Whereas the rest of the friends had at least some muscle, this one didn't. He had a little meat on his bones and seemed like he was much younger than the rest of them, around fifteen or sixteen.

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