Chapter 29

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I woke up to Seth opening the curtains in our hotel room, letting the sun hit my eyes. "Get up, Ash. The sooner we get today over with, the sooner we can go home." He sat back down on his bed and got out his phone as I threw my arm over my eyes.

 After laying there for another minute or two I groaned as I finally got out of bed and walked over to the window, closing the curtains again and falling back into the comfortable bed I had slept on.

After talking to Esther for another fifteen minutes last night and finally getting myself composed, I walked over to Parker and Roy's room where the whole team and I hung out until midnight. That meant I had to stay up until almost two in the morning to figure out our plan for today.

I reached for my phone and turned it on to check the time. It was already ten in the morning which means Seth had let me sleep as long as he could. "As you can tell, I let you sleep in but we need to get moving now otherwise we won't catch Anthony today."

I finally stood up and walked over to my bag to grab some clothes for today, knowing Seth was right. "Send Roy and Tim out to watch Anthony Meager's house. Tell them to let us know when he's there. I have another rental car waiting in the parking lot which the rest of us will take to his workplace."

Seth walked out of our room and towards the other men's room to tell them the plan while I changed my clothes. I threw on a white t-shirt with black pants and my boots. Slipping my phone in my back pocket and grabbing the key for the room, I walked out and let the door shut behind me as I walked towards the other guys' rooms. We had to split up into three rooms since the hotel only had two beds in each room so I walked a couple doors down. Hearing talking coming from the door I was in front of, I knocked and waited for a response since I didn't have an extra key.

Kyle opened the door soon after and stepped aside to let me in. Seth was sitting in one of the chairs by the bedside while Tim and Parker were sitting on the bed next to him. Roy was sitting on the other bed and all eyes moved to me as I walked in, pulling out the chair at the small desk in the corner and sitting down. "Back to what you were saying, boys."

"I was just telling them your plan but I think everyone understands it, right?" Seth looked at everyone else, waiting for an answer.

"If Roy and I take the van, how would the rest of the team get there when Meager arrives? Would we have to come back and get you all?" Tim spoke up, looking between Seth and I.

"I have another rental car waiting for us in the parking lot. While you and Roy are watching his house the rest of us are going to be watching his work. There's a better chance of him being at work right now rather than at his house which is why I'm taking more people." I answered. "Any other questions?"

Everyone shook their heads 'no' so I stood up and dismissed them all. "Get going, call in if you see him or any signs of him, we'll do the same." Roy and Tim nodded and grabbed their things, taking the van's keys from Seth as they walked out the door. "I want everyone else to meet in the parking lot in a few minutes." I announced as I walked out of the door and back towards Seth and I's room.

After walking into our room to grab the keys to the new rental car I had ordered last night and my gear bad which held my pistol, pistol case, my bullet-proof vest, and a small first aid kit in it, I walked out of our hotel room once more and walked towards the stairs to meet the rest of the guys in the parking lot.

The guys were huddled around our van with their gear bags hanging on their shoulders, waiting for me when I got there. Roy and Tim were in the front seats of the van but they hadn't left yet as they were still talking to Kyle, Parker and Seth. "Tim, Roy," Their heads snapped to me as I called for them. "I gave you the address for where Anthony works, right?"

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