Chapter 62

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I sat on the end of my bed with my head in my hands, trying to figure out what I did and how the hell I was going to fix it. It'd been almost three hours since I talked to Esther at Indiana's house and she still hadn't come home yet.

I ran my fingers through my hair while my head hung. I hadn't moved in half an hour; I couldn't. I was too worried about Esther. Her mental health seemed to be getting better and then all of a sudden she's pissed at me and acting like I knew what I did when I had no fucking clue.

I heard the front door open and shut before the person set down their keys on a table. I snapped my head up, knowing nobody except me and Esther just walked in. Everyone else knocked. 

I stayed sitting on the end of the bed as I waited for Esther to come to the bedroom. I heard her in the kitchen before her footsteps started coming towards the bedroom. I fell backwards and let the bed catch me as I stared up at the ceiling, thankful she was finally home.

Mae's footsteps came into the room and I felt her body lay down next to mine, not mumbling a word to me. She set her leg on top of my waist and laid her head on my chest. Immediately I realized something was wrong, she didn't feel like herself. I quickly realized that didn't even make sense and decided to let it go.

"I missed you, darling." I mumbled, bringing my arm around her back to rest on her hip. As soon as I laid my hand down, I took it off her and moved away. That wasn't Mae. It didn't feel like her. Mae had a bigger dip in her side when she laid like that. Mae was thicker than the person next to me, she hadn't been when we started dating but after a while she had gained healthy weight from me making her eat three meals a day.

I realized how weird my thoughts sounded but I didn't know how else to put it, I had my girl memorized and that wasn't her.

I sat up and snapped my head towards whoever was next to me only to find red hair and blue eyes looking back at me. "What the fuck are you doing here, Brynn?"

"Esther said she wasn't home so I decided to come keep you company." She smiled, showing me exactly what she wanted as she started to move towards me. "I thought we could have some fun together."

I stood up and backed away from the bed, disgust written all over my face. "Are you fucking kidding me? Someone goddamn friend you are." I scoffed, leaning against the wall behind me with my arms crossed.

Brynn rolled her eyes. "I couldn't care less about that bitch. She's annoying if you ask me. I was only 'friends' with her because I wanted you." She shrugged.

I glared at her as I watched her stand up and slowly move towards me. "Don't get any fucking closer." I warned her.

"Oh come on, I just want to have some fun. Live a little, Ash." She took another step towards me so we were now an arms length away from each other.

"I suggest you get the fuck out before I throw you out." I seethed.

Brynn seemed to think about it for a moment before meeting my gaze and smiling. "I don't know, you throwing me out seems pretty fun."

I fakely smiled at her before grabbing one of her arms and twisting it behind her back after forcefully turning her around. I grabbed the other arm and did the same thing, twisting hard enough to make her feel the pain but not enough to break anything.

I picked her up with one hand by her arms, making her cry out in pain. "I warned you." I spoke as I took her out of the bedroom and through the living room, shoving her into the front door when I finally let her go. "Now, as I said before; get. the. fuck. out."

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