Chapter 23

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"Come on, Ash." I shook him, trying to wake him up so we wouldn't be late to school. He had stayed at my house all day yesterday and even spent the night but now he wouldn't get out of bed. "Ash, we're going to be late."

"It's fine, darling. I'll take the blame, just come back here for five more minutes." He moved the covers off of him so I could lay under them with him. When I didn't move from my position of standing in front of the bed he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. "Please, darling." He mumbled, slightly opening his dark amber eyes to look at me.

I melted, there's no way I'm strong enough to say no to him especially with his morning voice. I sighed as I gave in and climbed back into bed for a few more minutes. Ash laid the covers over me and pulled me towards his chest, kissing the top of my head.

After only a few seconds Josie walked in my already open door since I wasn't allowed to close it while Ash is here. "Get up, lovebirds. You're going to be late."

Ash groaned from the second interruption of his sleep. I laughed and rolled out of bed dragging Ash with me. "She's right, Ash. We need to get up."

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled as he finally got out of bed. "Good morning, Mae." He grabbed my waist and pulled me forward. He leaned down for a kiss but before he could reach me, I backed away.

"I have horrible morning breath, Ash. You don't want to smell that, trust me." I was planning to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth but before I could, he lightly wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me back in.

He leaned down again and connected our lips, I immediately returned his kiss. No matter how bad my breath smelled, I wasn't going to deny him again. "I don't care about morning breath, darling. I wanted a kiss." He told me as he pulled away and dropped his hand from my neck.

I laughed at how cute Ash was when he wanted affection. I don't see how people can be scared of him. He's so gentle. "Come on, we need to get ready for school."

"I have to go to my house to brush my teeth and change into new clothes so I'll meet you at the school, okay?" He kissed me once more before finally stepping away to grab his phone.

"Okay, I'll see you there." I agreed as I walked into the bathroom, trying not to waste any more time.

I heard Ash walk downstairs and out of the house as Josie came back into my room. "Why does your boyfriend get to spend the night but mine can't? It's not fair." She complained as she hopped onto the counter next to the sink as I brushed my teeth.

I laughed through the toothpaste. "Josie, you don't even have a boyfriend."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't remind me." Josie grumbled. I laughed as I continued to brush my teeth, washing off my tooth brush and putting it back in it's spot once I was done. Josie was still sitting on the counter when I walked out of the bathroom to grab my phone but she soon followed me out of the bathroom and left my room.

I turned on my phone to see we only had seven minutes until school started. 

I threw on some clothes and grabbed the bag with all my homework that's due today. After grabbing my things, I ran out to Josie's car to wait for her while she got her things. I climbed in and glanced over at the driver's seat to see Josie already waiting for me. I jumped a little at the sight of her. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart before speaking. "You scared the shit out of me, Jos. I thought you were still inside."

Josie laughed before starting up the car and driving towards the school which we had less than five minutes to get to. "I came out here while you got ready, I thought you heard me leave the house."

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