Chapter 38

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Ash and I had talked for a while yesterday after he told me about the letter and after a few hours we ended up falling asleep in his new apartment. We both woke up around thirty minutes ago and Ash decided he needed to shower so here we are. Ash was walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, low enough to show his v-line. His hard abs were glistening from the water and I couldn't stop myself from staring. How is this man that attractive?

His still wet hair was dripping as he ran his fingers through it while he walked to his dresser and picked out some clothes. He turned back to me with boxers and black jeans in his hand, smirking when he saw me staring. I dropped my eyes, knowing I'd been caught. He always catches me.

I flipped my body onto my stomach and buried my face in the pillows. I heard Ash's towel drop and then some movement. Probably him putting on the clothes. His footsteps got closer to the bed and before I knew it he flipped me back over and set me down so I was straddling him. "Don't be embarrassed, darling." He kissed my lips once before pulling back. "You need to get ready for school. We need to leave in about fifteen minutes."

I nodded, knowing he was right. I knew my mother was going to have my head when I got home for staying at Ash's apartment on a school night but I didn't care, it was worth it. I glanced down at his chest and paused.

Since the night Ash touched me, I couldn't stop thinking about his tattoo and what it meant and now that I was close to him I could see the small writing under it. It was a name. 'Ivory'

I didn't know who Ivory was and I didn't want to jump to conclusions but part of me couldn't help but to feel hurt that he had another girl's name on his chest. I silently prayed it was his mom's name or something. I didn't know how I would react if he told me it was one of his exs.

"Is everything okay, darling?" He softly grabbed my chin and lifted it so I would look him in the eyes.

"Yeah." I mumbled, going to stand up but Ash held me down.

"Don't lie to me, Mae." His voice turned assertive but somehow there was still a softness to it. "What's wrong?" He squeezed my thigh a little, silently urging me to speak.

I sighed. "It's nothing, Ash. I need to get ready for school." I tried to get up but his grip tightened.

"Darling." He warned.

I dropped my head, taking a deep breath. "Ash, it's nothing I swear. I need to get ready or we'll be late." I leaned down and gave him a kiss, hoping that would help persuade him. He looked at the clock and sighed, knowing I was right.

He moved his hands off my thighs and let me get off him but not before grabbing my throat like he had done last night and pulling me back for one more kiss. "I'm not forgetting about this, darling. We'll talk after school, okay?"

I nodded in response, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from Ash's hand around my throat.

He released my throat from his gentle but firm grip and finally let me get off him, content with my agreement.

I walked off to grab my clothes from yesterday which Ash had washed last night for me since I was wearing his clothes anyway. I walked to the little door a few feet down from Ash's room which I hadn't seen yesterday when I walked in since it was hidden by the boxes still filled with Ash's things.

I opened the door, walking into the small laundry room, and grabbing my clothes out of the dryer. I walked to the guest bathroom and changed my clothes in there, not wanting to face Ash. I had a feeling he'd try to make me answer his questions if he saw me again and I didn't want to talk about anything right now. It didn't feel like the right time to bring it up. We had to go to school in less than ten minutes, I didn't want to put him, or myself, in a bad mood.

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