Chapter 45

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Esther stared at me in shock, her mouth hanging open but no words were coming out. I smiled and lifted my hand under her chin, closing her mouth for her and earning a small laugh to tumble out of her. "What do you think, darling?"

"Ash," She breathed out. "I-" She cut herself off and shook her head as if clearing her thoughts before she tried to speak again. I patiently watched her as she tried to answer my sudden question. "I don't know, Ash." She finally spoke.

"Mae, I know we've only been dating a few months and it might be too early for you to move in but I don't want you in that house any longer." I explained. Part of me thought she would say no and that it's too early but the other part of me was praying she would say yes so I could take her away from her poor excuse of a mother. I prepared myself for both and told myself I would respect her decision either way. Even if I didn't agree with it.

I ran my hands up and down her side soothingly as I waited for her answer. She started playing with her hands out of nervousness until I took her hands in my own and kissed the back of each one. "Tell me what you're thinking, darling." I softly urged.

"I want to." She spoke so quietly I almost missed it. "I want to but I'm scared of my mom's reaction."

Her eyes met mine and I could see the fear she had of her mother. The fear she had never shown before. The fear she had kept hidden for god knows how long. I let go of her hands and wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her even closer to me. "You don't have to worry about her anymore. I'm not going to let her lay her hand on you again, it's over now." I assured her.

I felt Mae nod after laying her head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. My heart broke when I realized just how afraid of her mother Mae was. "When do you want to move in?" I asked, giving her a chance to choose. I wanted her to move in today, right now to be honest, but I also didn't want to rush her into anything. So instead I gave her the option to take this as fast, or as slow, as she wanted.

"Can I think about it?" She asked, lifting her head and meeting my gaze.

I nodded. "Of course." She leaned in and gave me a kiss before laying her head back on my shoulder.

"Thank you." She mumbled in my ear. I kissed the side of her head in response and ran my fingers through her hair. We sat in a comfortable silence for around ten minutes before she spoke again. "How would it work?"

I looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, darling?"

"I'm only seventeen," She pointed out. "I cant legally move out without my parents permission and I doubt my mother is going to let me." 

"Then it's a good thing I already got your dad's permission." I smiled at her, quickly letting my smile drop when she connected our lips.

"He's allowing it?" She breathed out, breaking the kiss.

I nodded. "He wasn't thrilled that you'd be living alone with me but he doesn't want to see your mother hurt you any more than I do."

She seemed to breath a sigh of relief as she laid her head on my shoulder, knowing at least one of her parents would allow this.

After another minute of silence I decided to change the topic. "While you're here I wanted to tell you, my mom and I are planning to talk tonight when I get home. Do you still want to be there with me?"

Mae  looked at me when my voice interrupted the quietness. She started nodding before I could even finish my sentence but she waited for me to finish before she verbally answered. "Of course I do. I want to be there for you in case you need me."

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