Chapter 67

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After being out of the hospital for a few days, I finally decided I was back to 100% and, much to Ash's dismay, decided I was well enough to go out with his mom.

Novah had apparently come as soon as Ash told her I was in a coma, she had stayed the whole week I was asleep, trying her best to help Ash and watch over me the two second intervals in which he was away. Now that I was awake, we decided to go get mani-pedis together since we hadn't seen each other for a while and in her words 'there was obviously a lot she missed'.

I agreed as I wanted to tell her about all of the drama that recently happened. As I got dressed I thought about how nice it was to have a mother figure. Because of the situation with my mother, I obviously wasn't close with her although I wanted to be.

I wanted to talk to her about what was going on in my life. I wanted to tell her when I liked a boy or when I thought one was annoying. I wanted to be able to talk to her when I needed to although I couldn't since she never listened– or cared, for that matter. It made me that much more grateful that Novah saw me as a daughter.

"My mom's downstairs waiting, are you almost ready, darling?" Ash asked as he walked in our room.

I turned around, letting him see that I was only dressed in a red lace bra and skinny jeans. "Yeah totally, let me grab my purse." I joked, trying to hide my smile.

Ash smirked and slowly walked towards me. As he got closer I started backing up until my back hit the wall, caging me between it and him as lust filled his amber eyes. "As sexy as you look, darling, there's now way in hell I'm letting anybody else see you like this." He looked me up and down as he spoke.

He leaned down and sucked on my neck while he pressed his body against mine, letting me feel his hardening self. I let out a small moan as his hands trailed down my body and made their way to my thighs, parting them so Ash could rub my already wet core through the fabric of my jeans.

"Ash, your mom–" My words were cut off as Ash pressed his lips on mine.

"As long as you're quiet she won't know a thing, darling." He moved his lips against mine, not giving me the chance to protest– not that I wanted to.

His hand moved to the waistband of my jeans and unbuttoned them before pulling them down my legs, leaving only my red lace set of bra and panties to cover me. Ash pulled away from the kiss as he got to his knees, spreading my legs apart for him. I shook my head as I finally came back to my senses. "Darling?" Ash asked, seeing me shake my head.

"Ash, we are not doing this while your mom is in the living room." I told him before pausing. "Again." I added, remembering when we had sex while his mom was in the guest bedroom.

He chuckled before moving so quickly I almost couldn't comprehend what he was doing until he pulled away. He moved my soaked panties to the side before quickly licking along my slit. He let my panties fall back into place as he stood up, smirking at me before giving me a kiss and walking out of the room after mumbling a 'whatever you say, darling' in my ear.

That's not fair.

I sighed, going back to the closet and grabbing a dry pair of panties to change into before finishing off my outfit with a simple white knit sweater. I walked out of the bedroom to find Ash and his mom sitting on the couch talking, Ash acting as if nothing just happened.

Two can play this game, love.

I walked over to the couch, catching Ash and Novah's attention as I did. "Hey, hun." Novah greeted. "I'm mostly ready, I just have to grab my purse, give me one second."

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