Chapter 34

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I walked back into Ash's room after taking a shower, laying down to the right of him in bed. I normally slept on the left but I didn't want to accidentally hit his side. We had been laying together and talking for around half an hour before I decided I needed to take a shower while Ash slept.

He kept telling me he wasn't tired but I knew his body needed rest, especially after the long car ride home, so I left him laying in his bed while I did what I needed to do.

Now that I was done, I made sure not to hit his wound as I cuddled up next to him. He had his eyes closed, his face relaxed and his breathing was even so I assumed he had fallen asleep while I was in the shower. I realized I was wrong when he wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me closer. "Welcome back, darling." He mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Ash, you're supposed to be sleeping." I laid my head on his chest as I spoke, angling myself so I could still see his face.

"How can I sleep when my beautiful girlfriend is in my room?" He opened his dark amber eyes and looked down at me laying on his chest. "Hm?"

"But you've slept while I've been in your room other times, what's different about now?" I asked, confusing lacing my tone. I knew he hadn't seen me for a few days but I doubted that was the reason.

Ash chuckled, grabbing my neck lightly he lifted my head up farther as he brought his lips down to mine. He gave me a slow, sweet kiss and pulled back before it could go any farther than that.

"That was before you sent me that sexy fucking picture, darling." He quietly mumbled against my lips, pulling me in for another kiss. "You've filled my thoughts every second I was gone. Do you know how damn hard it was to focus with your gorgeous body running through my mind the whole time?"

I blushed at his words, trying to hide my face in his chest but it was useless. His grip around my throat tightened, not enough to hurt me but just enough to get me to look back up at him. "Sorry." I quietly mumbled out.

His eyes were swirling with desire as he spoke again. "Don't be sorry, darling. I fucking loved that picture." I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face as he tried to kiss me. "Mae, as much as I love your smile, I need you to kiss me back right now." He demanded.

I obeyed, letting my smile drop, I kissed him back when he connected our lips once again. The kiss started out gentle but it soon became more demanding. Ash slipped his tongue into my mouth as he let go of my neck to run his fingers through my hair.

The sweetness from the chocolate ice cream he had eaten earlier filled my mouth as I copied Ash's tongue, shyly slipping mine into his mouth. His hands ran down my body and grabbed my hips, trying to pull me up, closer to his face.

I got the hint and pulled myself closer to him carefully, still trying not to hurt him even though he currently didn't seem to be worried about it. "My God, I missed you." He groaned against my lips before tilting my head to the side, giving him access to my neck.

He trailed his kisses slowly down my jaw, sucking on the soft skin enough to leave hickies. My stomach filled with butterflies as he continued onto my neck. He found a certain spot below my ear and lightly sucked on it. Before I could even think, a small moan escaped my parted lips, filling the otherwise quiet room. I fought a blush but ended up losing as Ash smiled into my neck. No doubt he knows what that spot does to me.

He continued kissing and sucking on my neck while his hands ran up and down my sides. He slipped them under the sweatshirt I was wearing, slowly caressing my bare hips.

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