Chapter 43

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Novah and I returned to Ash place a few hours later. Once our nail techs were done we bought dinner and got to know each other better. I told her what the nail techs were saying and it surprised her that I knew Spanish as well as I did. No one expects me to know Spanish so it's always a surprise when they find out I do.

Ash was in his room when we got back, already done with his work for the day just like he told me he would be. He joined us in the kitchen when he heard us come in and asked us how it went. "Did you know she speaks Spanish?" Novah asked Ash.

Ash laughed. "Yes, I'm guessing it was a surprise to you?" He pulled me to his side and kissed the top of my head.

"To me and the nail techs." 

Ash pulled away a little and looked down at me, knowing I don't normally just tell random people that I speak Spanish. I wait to surprise them with it when they try to talk behind my back just like when I went to Mr. Dalloway's company with Ash. "What happened?" He looked between his mother and I as he spoke, waiting for one of us to answer.

I spoke up first. "Novah and I were talking and one of the nail techs was sticking her nose where it didn't belong so I put her in her place." I didn't tell Ash what we were talking about but he didn't seem to notice.

He smirked down at me. "That's my girl." He leaned down to give me a kiss before standing back up and looking at his mom when she spoke.

"I'm exhausted so I think I'm going to head to bed." She announced before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Your bedroom is the one on the left." Ash called out behind her before turning his attention back to me. "Come on, darling."

He laced our fingers together and pulled me to his room, shutting the door behind us before letting his full attention settle on me. "Did you have fun?" He asked, walking towards the bed where I sat.

"Yes, I like your mom. She even invited me to go with her to France in May." I told him while parting my legs so he could stand between them.

He smiled when he looked down at me. "I knew she'd love you." He cupped the side of my face in the palm of his hand, leaning down to kiss me. The kiss was passionate but not rough, like he had wanted to do this since I left but now that he could he didn't want to just spring it on me.

He picked up my body and laid me down on the bed before hovering over me. He connected our lips again while his hands trailed down my body. "Stop me if I go farther than you want to, got it?" He asked, his lips brushing against mine when he spoke.

I nodded quickly, just wanting his lips back on mine. When he didn't move I reached up and connected our lips again by myself only for Ash to pull away again. "I need words, my darling."

"Yes." I breathed. "I promise I'll stop you." I sighed in content when he kissed me again and his hands continued to rub along my sides. Ash trailed his kisses down my neck, starting to suck and lightly nip at his favorite spot below my ear. A light moan tumbled out of my mouth when Ash bit my earlobe and lightly pulled on it.

My hand shot to my mouth, covering it when I remembered that Novah was in the apartment too and could probably hear us from the guest bedroom if we got too loud. "Ash."

"Hm?" He hummed, not taking his lips away from my neck.

"Ash, your mom is in the guest room." I reminded him. "What if she hears?" The ache between my legs was telling me to ignore the fact that his mom was in the apartment with us while my head was worried about her catching us.

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