Chapter 8

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I threw on a black collared shirt and nice blue jeans like Esther suggested. I grabbed a blue and black striped tie and threw it over my shoulder. I didn't expect Esther to know how to tie a tie but I'm glad she does. A tie might be too fancy but it's better safe than sorry. I want her parents to like me. I want them to trust me with Esther and know that I'll keep her safe.

As I walked downstairs to grab my keys my dad stopped me. "Where are you going?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"Esther invited me over to dinner." I answered, annoyance lacing my voice.

"Is she that girlfriend of yours?"

"Yes, she was here this morning. The same girl you called a slut last week. Does that jog your memory at all?" I asked bluntly.

"Don't talk to me like that, Ashton."

"Don't call my girlfriend a slut next time then." I mumbled as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door.


I knocked on the door of Esther's house and her mom opened it. She looked almost exactly like Esther except for her eyes. Esther's eyes were hazel with a little blue mixed in around her pupil whereas her mom's eyes were a light green, almost the color of jade. "These are for you, ma'am." I told her as I handed her the flowers I had bought on my way here.

"Thank you, but please, call me Mira." She said as she turned around, taking the flowers through their small mud room and into what I'm guessing is the kitchen. I was looking at all the decor and admiring how homely their house looked as Mira started to walk away. Before she got to the kitchen doorway she turned back to me. "Esther is in her room if you want to go talk to her while the food finishes cooking." I was going to ask where Esther's room was before Josie walked out of the kitchen and saved me from having to ask.

"Come on, I'll take you to her."

"Thanks" I told Josie as I started to follow her.

"No problem." I followed her upstairs and into a hallway which led to two doors right next to each other. "Esther!" Josie yelled.

"Yeah?" Mae responded from behind one of the doors.

"Your boyfriend's here." Josie said, opening the door on the right.

Esther turned around and smiled when she saw me. She was sitting on the floor in front of a mirror putting on makeup. The sundress she was wearing was white with large sunflowers printed on it and it looked beautiful on her. She was wearing a long sleeve white cardigan on top of it and I started to wonder why she was wearing a cardigan in this weather. It was fall but today the temperature was near 80 degrees. There was definitely no need for a cardigan today.  "I'll be in my room if you need me." Josie said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Okay, thanks." Esther told her.

When Josie had gone to her room Esther got up and pulled me into her room. "Come on, Ash. You're allowed to come in, you know."

I realized I had just been leaning against her door frame watching her. I decided to forget about the cardigan, it wasn't a big deal. She's probably just cold.  "Right, sorry, Mae."

I chuckled as she pushed me on her bed while she sat back down on the floor finishing her makeup. "You know you don't need makeup, right?" I asked her.

She stopped and looked back at me. "I just do it for fun, I know it's not needed. That's why I don't wear it everyday." she shrugged.

"Good." I told her as I got off her bed and sat behind her, pulling her closer to me. She finished up her makeup and leaned back against my chest. "Do you think your dad will like me?"

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