Chapter 5

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On the way to school the next day Josie still hadn't given up the whole 'Ash is in love with me' thing. "So, has he confessed yet?" She asked me we walked towards the front doors of the school, passing by groups of friends who were all talking while they waited for the bell to ring.

"No, we haven't even talked since he dropped me off at Indi's place yesterday."

 She huffed. "Fine but when he does, I want to be the first to know." 

I rolled my eyes. She is never going to let this go.

My first four periods went perfectly fine. Ava and her posse were nowhere to be found and I hoped it stayed that way. Every time I saw her she did something to hurt me, not physically, just mentally. I don't even know how she knows what to do. I like to think I do a great job of hiding my emotions but Ava somehow still knows exactly how to hurt me. 

Today was no different, as I walked into fifth period I saw Ava sitting on Ash's lap while they were waiting for our teacher to arrive. My body froze in the doorway and I debated whether to turn around and walk out or stay and deal with it silently. Sighing, I realized my parents would find out if I skipped and I really didn't want to endure the scolding I would get from my mother. I took a deep breath and walked past Ash and Ava, sitting down in the only empty seat left in the last row. 

As I was walking to my seat Ash tried to get my attention. "Hey, Mae." I ignored him and continued walking. "Mae, how's your ankle?" He asked me. I told him yesterday that sometimes it still hurts if I walk too much, I guess this was his way of telling me he was listening. I didn't care, I finally made it to my seat and sat down. I was two rows behind him and Ava so any time I looked up I had to watch everything they did. Why did they have to sit directly in front of the board?

Ash still hadn't seemed to care about Ava sitting on his lap. Did I overthink everything that happened yesterday? As much as I've tried not to, I started to hope he had some kind of feelings for me, especially after we cuddled yesterday. That had to mean something to him right? I guess not.

I pulled out my book and headphones so he wouldn't try to talk to me anymore. After five more minutes our teacher walked in, apologizing for being late. He made Ava get off of Ash and into her own seat. Finally, after what felt like forever, class started.

Halfway through class I saw a note slide onto my desk. I unfolded it and read 'You okay?' I looked up to see who had given it to me and saw Ash looking at me. He must've had the guy behind him give it to me since he was too far away. I crumpled the note and threw it in the trash can a few feet away from me. I didn't want to talk to him right now. I know I can't be mad at him because we aren't together but I am anyway.

So many thoughts are running through my head right now. Yesterday was really nothing to him? Maybe the cuddling for him was just that, nothing more. Maybe he doesn't actually want me and I misunderstood. Maybe he thinks yesterday was a mistake. I was too busy thinking about what yesterday meant to Ash to notice another note slide onto my desk until I was putting my books away at the end of class. I opened the note and read 'Why are you ignoring me, darling?' I crumpled the note and threw it in the trash, just as I did the last one.

Does he seriously not know? Wow. Men are clueless, aren't they? Just cuddle with a girl one day and have another girl sitting on your lap the next. Yeah, because that's totally fine.

I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the classroom.

"Mae, wait up." Ash called as he ran to catch up with me. I didn't say anything and continued walking. When he caught up he kept talking to me. "Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?"

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