Chapter 60

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I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. I stood up, not bothering to throw a shirt on before walking into the kitchen to look for Esther. Normally when I woke up alone it was because Mae was in the kitchen making breakfast or she had gotten up to use the bathroom. In those cases her side of the bed was normally still warm, although today it wasn’t.

I walked into the kitchen, suddenly worried when she was nowhere in sight. I was about to leave the kitchen to check in the guest rooms but something caught my eye as I turned around. I walked closer to the island counter, finding a note with Mae’s writing on it. 

I picked it up, wondering why she left a note instead of just waking me up to tell me. 

I’m at Indi’s I’ll be back later.


I set the note down and went back to the bedroom to grab my phone. Turning it on, I realized it was already noon and I wondered when Mae had left.  'Darling, why didn’t you wake me up before you left?' I texted her, setting down my phone while I waited for a response. 

I reminded myself to get her a new phone since hers was starting to act weird at times while I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. 

After brushing my teeth and washing my face with warm water, I walked back into the bedroom, checking my phone to see a new text for Mae. 'I didn’t want to bother you'

I furrowed my eyebrows. ‘I’ve told you before, you don’t bother me, Mae.’


I started thinking something was wrong, she was normally never that dry of a texter. She normally always used punctuation. She was either pissed or not feeling well. ‘Are you alright?’ I decided to ask.

‘I’m fine.’ 

I started typing out another text although before I could send it she had beat me to it. ‘I have to go Indi needs me’

I sighed. ‘Do you know when you’ll be home?’


She stopped texting that, leaving me to wonder what I did wrong. I didn’t remember doing anything and she seemed fine last night so what had I fucked up overnight? 

I threw an arm over my eyes after letting myself fall back onto the bed. I need her to start talking to me.



“That. Fucking. Bitch” Indiana seethed. 

I had told her about the call I overheard last night and to say she was surprised would’ve been an understatement. After telling her, Indi had sat with her jaw open in shock for around three minutes before coming back to her senses. She told me she never thought he would’ve cheated on me. 

That makes two of us. Here I was in love with him and trying to find the right moment to tell him meanwhile he was out cheating on me with god knows who.

“Are you a hundred percent sure?” She asked, looking up at me from her spot against the wall. We were both sitting on the floor because this seemed like a floor talk type of moment, she was sitting under her window while I was leaning against her bed. 

I nodded and then paused. “Maybe.” I sighed. “I really don’t know, Indi. I don’t want to be right but the conversation they had is hard to argue with.”

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