Chapter 63

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I pulled off my shirt to show her my tattoo which I knew she had seen before. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she watched me, wondering why I was taking off my shirt. "You've seen it before, right?" I asked, gesturing to the tattoo on my chest; Ivory's tattoo.

She hesitantly nodded.

"And you think it's for another girl that I'm seeing?" I asked, wanting to confirm what I already knew. I had seen her looking at it a few times before shrugging it off and moving her attention elsewhere. I had seen the questions behind her eyes every time she looked at it.

"What else am I supposed to think, Ash?" She defended. "You have a tattoo for someone named Ivory, whom I've never met, you've been talking to someone at three in the morning while I'm asleep and you were literally talking about telling me something."

"I know." I nodded, sitting down next to her but still keeping my distance, knowing she wouldn't want me to touch her right now. "I've been meaning to talk to you about this, I just never found the right moment." I started.

She turned towards me, giving me her full attention and raising an eyebrow for me to continue.

"The tattoo is for my sister." I told her, watching as confusion took over her face. "She drowned when she was five. It was only a year or two before my family and I moved here."

Understanding replaced the confusion on the face and her mouth hung open before she covered it with her hand. "Oh God. I'm so sorry Ash, I–"

I cut her off before she could say more. "Mae, it's fine. I should've told you sooner and I shouldn't have waited so long. That's what my mom was trying to convince me of that night." I explained. "Actually she's been trying to convince me for a while but I hadn't listened."

She shook her head and ran her hands through her hair. "I'm sorry." She apologized again. "I'm so fucking stupid. You've given me no reason to doubt you yet I still did."

"Mhm." I nodded as I leaned back into the couch and crossed my arms. Now that the truth was out I let my mind focus more on how she hadn't trusted me. She didn't even attempt to talk to me for days, she made me worry by not answering her phone and literally made me beg before she listened.

It wasn't even the begging that I was mad about– I really didn't care if I had to beg her or not, if she wanted me to fucking beg for her I would– it was the fact that she didn't want to listen to me until I fucking wore her down.


I stood up, not wanting to hear another apology at the moment. "I'll be back later." I walked out of the apartment without another word. Ignoring Mae as she called my name. I didn't want to snap at her so I decided to let my anger out another way


"Ash, what the hell are you doing?" I heard Seth yell as he ran up behind me and tried to pull me back from the man I was punching. "You're going to kill the damn guy."

"Good." I spat. He deserved death after everything he had done.

I looked down at the man lying in the concrete in the fetal position. I had spent the last thirty minutes beating the hell out of him while I listened to him plead for me to stop, only making me angrier. I'm sure they didn't stop beating her when Mae begged them to, so why should I stop when he does?

Seth shook his head and grabbed my arm tightly, shoving me away from the man and towards his car. I sent one last glare to the bitch before giving up and getting into the passenger seat of Seth's car.

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