Chapter 10

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At 3:30 I got a call, waking me up. Without checking who it was I accepted the call. "What?"

"I don't even get a hello?"

I immediately recognized who was on the other end. "I didn't realize it was you, sorry Ash."

He chuckled. "How's your head feeling?"

"It's perfectly fine. I got sent home from school just in case but I don't have a concussion or anything."

"Do you want to come and hang out with me in my office, then? I have to do some paperwork but I want to be with you."

I sat up and threw off my blanket. I jumped on the opportunity to get out of this house and to get away from my mother, even if it was only for a little while. "Sure, could you send me the address?"

"Yeah, one second"

Thirty seconds later, I got the text message with the address. It was only a few minutes from here so thankfully I'd be able to walk. I would rather die than ask my mother for a ride and I knew Josie and my dad were still at work right now. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay." He hung up the phone before I could say anything else.

Seven minutes later, I made it to a small apartment building that seemed to only have 8 or so rooms. I checked my phone again, making sure this was the right address before I walked in. Sure enough, it was. I walked inside and started to look around for anything that could tell me which apartment was Ash's. In the main room the walls were painted an off-white and there were little mailboxes in the corner but nothing said where Ash's room was.

I was getting my phone out of my pocket to call him when the doors of one of the apartments opened and out walked a guy who stood about 5'11 with light brown hair and blue eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen him before.

He looked up from the paperwork in his hand to shut the door behind him when he noticed me. "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong building. Nobody is allowed in here."

"Oh, sorry. I must've gotten the address wrong." I started to turn around when the man stopped me.

"Wait a minute," He grabbed my hand so I couldn't go anywhere. "Esther Harlow?"

I nodded. "That's me. Do I know you?"

"I'm Seth Hindley, Ash's best friend. I think we've met once or twice."

No wonder he looked familiar, Ash had introduced us a couple years ago while we were hanging out but I totally forgot about it since we hadn't seen each other after that. "I knew you looked familiar. How have you been?"

"As good as I can be with having to deal with Ash everyday." He laughed.

"Speaking of him, do you know where he is? He told me he wanted me to come hangout in his office with him but he failed to mention which apartment is his."

Seth laughed. "Technically all of the apartments are his."


"What do you mean?"

"He owns the whole building, we use it as HQ for the whole FBI thing." Seth paused. "Ash has told you what we do, right?"

I nodded again. "Yeah he explained it all."

"Okay, good. Anyway, his office is upstairs and the second door to the right." I thanked him as I walked towards the stairs. "If you need anything just come find me." He called as he went into another room. I'm seriously going to need a tour of this place.

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