Chapter 32

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While walking onto the porch and into the house, I didn't hear anything at first and I foolishly thought I was lucky today.

I realized I was wrong as the cabinets in the kitchen slammed shut and I heard her voice. "Why the fuck do I have to do everything? I work all day and then I have to come home to a house full of freeloaders who can't even cook dinner?" She complained. I could tell by her voice she was pissed. It's not going to be a good night for me, is it?

I slowly walked into the kitchen, knowing she'd be furious if I went straight to my room instead of helping her.  "What's going on?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what. Me and Josie couldn't read her mind and know she wanted dinner cooked so now we're paying the price.

"What do you fucking think?" She yelled as she turned around towards me after getting a container of rice and slamming the cabinet shut. "I shouldn't have to cook dinner. Why did I have kids if they aren't going to help out?"

Oh I don't know, you and dad had a fun time in bed and then thought a baby was a good idea?

I stayed silent and grabbed frozen shrimp out of the freezer, knowing she was making rice and shrimp. That's the only thing she ever ate rice with. She'd complain if we put it with anything else.

I grabbed a pan and dumped on the frozen shrimp, leaving it on the counter while I set the oven to the right temperature and waited for it to preheat. "Go to the store uptown and get garlic powder." My mom ordered while she rinsed the rice in our small sink. "Take the ten bucks in my wallet."

I nodded and turned away to get her wallet from the living room table. "And quit giving me attitude." She added.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned back to her. What attitude? I simply turned away to do what you told me. "I don't have one." I replied, confusedly. I came out sounding more like a question than a statement.

"Whatever. Just go." She turned back to the rice, ending our conversation.

I shook my head and continued walking into the living room. Grabbing her wallet, I took the ten dollar bill and slipped it in my back pocket.

I threw on my small jean jacket as I walked out of the door. The store was only about a six or seven minute walk so it would give me enough time away from the house and I would still get back just in time for dinner. Hopefully by the time I get back my mom will have calmed down, at least a little bit.


I was staring at the concrete beneath my feet as I walked away from the store. They only had one garlic powder left which took me a few minutes to find because it was hidden behind other spices and I had already taken long enough getting to the store since I had stopped to take a break at the library. It's been a long day and I just needed time to myself where I didn't need to worry about Ash or my mother.

My head snapped up at a familiar voice I didn't want to hear. Please, please don't be the person I think it is. I can't handle that right now. I looked around trying to locate where the voice had come from but I didn't see anyone. Maybe I just imagined it.

I dropped my head back down and continued walking until I heard it again. "I don't care, figure it the fuck out or your gonna be next, motherfucker." I looked up once again and finally found that there was a man standing outside the bar across the street talking on the phone pacing back and forth. As he turned I caught a look at his face and my blood ran cold. It was him. The friend of Matthew, the friend that helped to kidnap me.

I couldn't move, I was stuck staring at the man that helped kill a small part of me. The memories started flooding my head and it started to get harder to breathe. I want Ash. I wanted him here to save me, whether that was from myself and the memories or the man across the street, I wasn't sure. Maybe a little of both. I knew a panic attack was coming on but there was no way I could fall apart here. Not with him so close.

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