Chapter 42

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I walked into Ash's room to change my clothes since I had spilled water on myself and right as I pulled Ash's t-shirt over my head, there was a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in." I spoke.

His mom, Novah, slowly opened the door and sent me a small smile. "I know you just got dressed in comfy clothes but I was wondering if you'd like to go get dinner with me, I was thinking we could even get our nails done while we're out."

I nodded my head, not even hesitating. For the past couple hours we had been getting along really well and I could see why Ash was a momma's boy. "Of course, I'll be out in a few minutes." I smiled back at her as she turned around and closed the door behind her, going back to the living room.

I walked to Ash's closet and pulled out a mint green lantern sleeve dress with a little white purse to go with it. I took off Ash's shirt and replaced it with the dress. I set the purse on the bed while I grabbed my chunky square toed heels that matched my dress and carefully bent over, trying not to hurt the bruise on my stomach as I slipped them onto my feet. I threw the purse over my shoulder as I walked out of Ash's room and into the living room where they were both still sitting.

Ash turned his head when he heard my footsteps approaching, looking me up and down slowly.  "You look amazing, Mae." His deep voice spoke up, making me blush.

I knew exactly what the look in his eyes meant although both of us knew it wasn't going to happen, not when his mother was staying with him. "Thank you, Ash." He stood up as I got closer to him and pulled me against his body.

He leaned down, giving me a kiss that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. As our lips moved together he reached down and grabbed my ass, making my waist rub against his pants when he pulled me even closer to him. "Ash." I quietly scolded, not wanting his mother to hear and figure out what he was doing. His large body was blocking her view of me but there was no doubt she could still hear me.

He chuckled and moved to the side, letting go of me just enough so I could see around him. His mother wasn't on the couch anymore. "She went to the kitchen, darling." He mumbled before capturing his lips in mine once again. "You look really fucking good right now."

I didn't have time to thank him before we kissed again. His tongue found its way into my mouth and my hands found their way to his hair like usual. His hands trailed down my sides and made their way to my mid thighs before slipping under my dress.

More butterflies erupted in my stomach as he got closer and closer to my core. I could feel myself already dripping and he had done nothing to me yet. I had to suppress a moan when his large hand cupped my core, softly starting to rub me through my panties.

Ash pulled back to say something but before he could we both heard his mother's footsteps approaching. He quickly dropped his hand from under my dress and instead let it hang around my waist as he kept me close.

"Are you two done making out yet?" Novah asked, walking back into the living room and sitting down on the couch once more.

I was glad for Ash's body that was still covering me from her view as I hid my face in his chest, waiting for the blush to wear off.

"Yes, mom." Ash sighed, turning around with one hand still holding onto my waist.

"Good because I called one of the nail techs around here and got us an appointment in thirty minutes." Novah turned her body towards me as she spoke and I couldn't help but look at Ash.

"Are you coming too?" Part of me wanted him to since I was still nervous around his mom but another part of me knew I'd be fine without him.

Ash shook his head as he answered. "I have some work I need to get done at the office so it'll be just you and mom. Is that okay?"

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