Chapter 52

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The next day my legs were still sore and I planned on spending all day in bed. I wanted to just rest and watch the new movie I bought; Five Feet Apart. To be honest it wasn't all that new, it had been released a few months ago but I never had the chance to watch it since I didn't own it nor was it on Netflix yet so I had to wait until I found it in store. 

I had read the book a while back and I loved it so I was hoping the movie wouldn't be too bad although I didn't have much hope. All book to movie adaptations were horrible although it didn't stop me from watching them and yelling at the screen when they got a detail wrong. 

My plan was quickly ruined when I woke up to a text from Indiana asking if I wanted to hang out today. It had been almost a week since we hung out last so I agreed, saying I'll meet her at her house at noon.

That gave me three more hours to rest and possibly get rid of the soreness in my legs. I set my phone down and pulled the covers back over myself just as Ash entered the bedroom. "Good morning, darling. How are you feeling?" He asked, climbing into bed next to me and pulling me close.

"I'm sore." I told him. "Why do you have to be so big?" A smile pulled at my lips as I looked up at him.

Ash laughed. "I'm sorry, darling." He leaned down, giving me a kiss before pulling back and pausing. "Are you saying I'm too much for you?" He joked.

"Exactly. I'm glad you understand." I jokingly answered back.

Our laughter filled the room before dying down. "I have to work later but I want you to call me if you need anything, okay? Anything." He changed the subject.

I nodded. "I was going to go to Indi's and hang out for a while if that's okay."

Ash looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure? Your body needs rest, Mae."

"I know," I agreed. "but I haven't seen Indi for almost a week and I'll be fine, we're not going anywhere. We'll probably just hang out at her house." I sat up as I talked so I could see his face better.

He watched me wince as I turned to him and crossed my legs. He seemed to contemplate it for a minute before he eventually gave in. "Fine, but I'm driving you there and I'll come get you when you're done. I want you to take it easy and don't do too much walking if you can help it, got it?" He raised an eyebrow as he waited for my response.

"Got it." I nodded, changing my position again to lay on top of him and feeling him wrap his arms around me while he kissed the top of my head.


"So," Indi turned her attention to me as we waited for the movie to start. We had picked out Black Widow since neither one of us had seen it yet and now we were just waiting for the previews to finish. Indi wore a mischievous smile, telling me she was about to tease me about something and sure enough, a second later she spoke and I knew I was right. After all these years of being best friends I can read her like a book. "Did you have fun last night?"

Although I knew she was going to tease me, that wasn't what I had expected her to say. "What?" I asked, confusion lacing my tone. I didn't know what she was referring to since I hadn't told her I had any plans yesterday.

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at me with an expression that seemed to ask 'Really?' "Es, you walked in here glowing." She stated matter of factly. "Plus Ash looked like he wanted to carry you in when he saw you basically waddling. I'm not dumb, I can put two clues together, you know."

Realization flooded me. "Oh." I blushed from the embarrassment of being caught and I looked down, messing with my hands that laid on top of the blanket which covered the rest of my body.

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