Chapter 36

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I slowly woke up to the feeling of Mae's head laying on my chest with her legs tangled in mine. She hadn't had another nightmare after I laid down with her but I was still wondering what caused it. Did something happen yesterday or while I was gone?

I ran my fingers through her hair while I reached over to grab my phone. Seeing it was already six-thirty, I knew I needed to get up but I couldn't bring myself to wake up Mae. She looks too cute when she's asleep.

Her lips were pressed together, making it look like she was pouting. Her messy hair was spread out on her back. My hoodie that I changed her into last night looked like it was swallowing her small body. She looked like a mess and yet she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She's my mess.

I carefully slipped out from under her, making sure not to wake her, before walking into the bathroom and getting ready for the day. I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up before stepping in. I let the water soak my hair and run down my body while my thoughts drifted to Friday night when I came home.

The feeling of Mae around my fingers and how damn good she tasted when she was grinding on  my face was like fucking heaven. My cock began to harden at the thoughts that started running through my head. I couldn't help myself from imagining what she would feel like when I'm in her.

Her tightness clenching around me, her gorgeous fucking moans, her perfect body under me.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and turned the water temperature to cold, hoping to calm myself down. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about her, I had work I needed to do including finding out what happened to Mae while I was gone.

After getting myself back under control I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a soft light brown towel around my waist. I walked to the counter and quickly brushed my teeth before walking back into my room to change clothes. I dropped my towel and replaced it with grey dress pants, throwing on a black button up shirt to go with it.

I rolled the cuffs of my sleeves up to my forearm while I walked back to the bathroom, grabbing  my cologne and lightly misting myself with it. I walked out and towards the small table that stood near my bed, grabbing my phone and slipping it into my back pocket. Looking down at Mae sleeping peacefully, I leaned down placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

She stirred in her sleep, slowly blinking her eyes open to look up at me. "Go back to sleep, darling. I have to go to work but I'll be home in a few hours, okay?" I spoke softly.

She nodded her head mumbling a 'mhm' before sitting up and letting the gray comforter fall into her lap so she could stretch her arms towards me. A smile stretched across my face when she started giving me the grabby hands, wanting me to come closer so I could give her a hug.

I did as she wanted, leaning into her arms and wrapping my large hands around her waist. She laid her head in the crook of my neck and snuggled into me. "You smell good." She tiredly mumbled against my neck

I chuckled. "Thank you, darling." I pulled back a little, making her lift up her head so I could lay a gentle kiss on her lips. "I'll be back soon, call me if you need anything, okay?"

She nodded her head and laid back down in bed, pulling the covers up to her neck and snuggling into them. Cutie.

I had a soft smile on my face as I turned around and walked out of my room, softly shutting the door behind me.

I wasn't worried about leaving her here alone since my father had been staying at his office most nights anyway. He didn't come home very often, which I didn't mind. Whenever he was here all we did was fight anyway.

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