Chapter 41

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I slowly opened my eyes to find Ash's head laying on my chest. I started playing with his hair while my body slowly woke up and once it did I leaned towards the side of the bed to grab my phone, careful to not wake Ash up.

Seeing we were already an hour late for school, I gently shook Ash to wake him up. He stirred and looked up at me. "Yes, darling?" He sleepily mumbled.

I did my best to ignore the way his morning voice made me feel, instead focusing on the fact that we were late for school. "We're late for school, Ash, we need to get up."

He shook his head and closed his eyes again. "I called the school earlier and told them we wouldn't be coming in today, you can go back to sleep darling."

I started wondering why Ash called in but realization soon flooded me. Today was the day his mom was coming to visit. "When is your mom going to be here?" I asked as I sat up and moved towards the edge of the bed, wanting to be ready when she came. I didn't want to be laying in bed in only a bra and shorts with her son when she walked in since my sweatshirt had disappeared sometime during the night. Probably because of him since he liked skin to skin contact. Not that I'm complaining.

"She'll be here at noon, now come back here and let me cuddle you, Mae." He pulled me back towards him and laid his head back down on my chest, making sure not to let his hands hit the bruise on my stomach.

"Love," I laughed. "That's in less than three hours, I need to get up otherwise I won't be ready when she gets here."

He sighed, shifting his head on my chest so he could look up at me. "Fine but give me a kiss first."

I laughed as I leaned down, pecking him on the lips before slipping out from under him as he groaned. "That doesn't count, that was barely a damn kiss, get back here."

I ran towards the bathroom while Ash stood up from the bed and chased after me. As I made it into the bathroom I slipped on a towel before regaining my balance and rushing to shut the door so Ash couldn't reach me. I realized I was too slow when his hand shot through the door before I could fully close it.

He pushed the door open and stepped in while I started backing up further into the bathroom. I couldn't control the smile on my face from the adrenaline of running from him and it caused a little smirk to appear on Ash's face as he continued stalking towards me.

His smirk grew when my back hit the wall, trapping me between it and Ash. He blocked my body in by putting his arms on either side of the wall behind me so I couldn't go anywhere and leaned in. "Nice try, darling."

He took my lips with his in a searing kiss and my hands immediately found their way to his hair, lightly pulling on it. He grabbed the back of my thighs and I quickly realized what he wanted. Jumping up and wrapping my legs around his body, I smiled against his lips when he caught me with ease.

His hands trailed up and down my sides while his tongue slipped across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I immediately parted my lips and let our tongues tangle together for a few seconds before pulling away from his lips and moving to his neck just to tease him.

I sucked and kissed on his neck, just like he does to mine which earned me a deep moan from Ash. I paused, never before having been able to make him moan. He had groaned before but that's different.

I could feel my panties wetten from just that one moan and I knew I needed to push him away otherwise we'd still be here, possibly in less clothes, when his mom arrived in less than three hours. I kissed his neck some more, not wanting to let him go yet, before finally pulling away from him.

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