Chapter 37

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"Ready?" Ash asked, slowly opening the door to his new apartment.

He had mentioned a few days ago that he wanted an apartment so he didn't have to live with his dad anymore and I was surprised at how quickly he found this one. I nodded and my jaw dropped when he opened the door. He moved to the side after stepping into the apartment, letting me in before closing the door behind us.

The place was huge. The first thing I walked into was a large living room with beautiful furniture already in its place. The kitchen connects to the living room but it's not secluded which makes the room look open and inviting. There's two doors on the left side of the living room while there's one on the right and the large sliding glass door on the other side of the living room from me, gave a beautiful view of the patio which overlooks the hills behind the building.

Ash chuckled from beside me as he watched me stare in awe at the beautiful apartment. I didn't even know there were apartments like this anywhere near our town. Let alone only fifteen minutes away. "Do you like it, darling?" He leaned against the wall while he continued to watch me.

"Ash, it's beautiful. How did you find this?" I followed him as he walked towards the door on the right side of the living room. He opened the door to reveal a large bedroom with a king sized bed in the middle of it.

"Luck." He jokingly answered. I walked around the bedroom looking at all the decor already hanging on the walls. Did he do this by himself?  "I had an interior designer decorate everything already." He spoke, answering my question before I could ask.

"How did you even know what I was thinking?" I asked in shock as I turned back to him.

"I'm a mind reader, darling. We've talked about this." He chuckled, walking over to the bed and pulling me with him. He let himself fall back onto the bed which made me fall on top of him. I let out a squeal as I landed on his hard chest which causing Ash to laugh.

"That's not funny, I wasn't ready." I tried to glare at him but it failed when I started laughing too. Ash lifted my head off his chest and brought my lips to his, connecting them in a soft sweet kiss.

As the kiss started to turn rougher his hands ran down my back to grab my ass, squeezing slightly. A breathy quiet moan escaped my lips from the feeling and Ash took that as his chance, slipping his tongue into my mouth.

Our tongues tangled together as I reached up and raked my fingers through his hair. His hands rubbed soothingly up and down my sides and I repositioned my body on top of his so now I was straddling him. 

Just to tease him I decided to grind on him and immediately I felt him harden beneath me. I smiled against his lips when he groaned. 

I continued to grind a bit more before stopping the movement of my hips and sitting up, smiling at him like nothing just happened. "Let's finish the tour, I haven't even seen the other rooms yet."

He raised one eyebrow while he held onto my waist, not letting me get off of his lap yet. "Uh uh." He lightly wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled my face back towards his. "Darling, you can't tease me like that and expect to walk away." He mumbled against my lips, a small smirk on his face. 

I let him kiss me once more before pulling away again, adamant to see the rest of his apartment. "So what are in the other rooms? The ones on the other side of the living room?"

Ash sighed, knowing I wasn't going to give up until he showed me them. "Fine, but we're coming back here when we're done." I laughed as he tried to be annoyed but it failed when he kissed me once more and a little smile spread across his face.

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