Chapter 11

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I looked over at Esther sleeping in the seat next to me. She looked so peaceful and adorable. She had passed out a few minutes after we had gotten back in my car. I was surprised she hadn't fallen asleep in my office but I guess she was too busy watching that damn kid's show, Ladybug something. I wasn't even paying attention and I could tell that Adrian kid was oblivious to everything.

I didn't dare wake Esther up when I pulled into my driveway. I parked the car, walked over to her side and picked her up. I carried her upstairs and laid her in my bed. Turning the lights off, I went into the bathroom which was connected to my room so I could shower before going to bed.

I brushed my teeth while I waited for the shower to warm up. I got in and washed my hair, trying not to think of what I would do if Esther were in here with me. I did what I needed to and got out, wanting to get back in my room and cuddle with her. I never thought I would be clingy when I got in a relationship but god damn is she addicting.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself. I started reaching for my razor and shaving cream to shave the little stubble on my chin and neck when my heart dropped. Esther started screaming and I booked it back to my room. "Esther," I called as I ran over to her. She was hugging her knees and rocking back and forth in the spot I had left her. "Esther, what's wrong? What happened?"

She was shaking and it didn't seem like she could form any words. I sat next to her and pulled her into my arms. "You're okay, baby. Deep breaths, it's okay." I rubbed her back trying to calm her down from whatever just happened. "Deep breaths, Mae."

What the fuck scared her this bad? Whatever it was, I wasn't going to let it hurt her again. "Come on, Mae." I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, hoping she would too. "Your turn now, just take a deep breath for me, darling."

She listened and did as I told her. "Good girl, do it again for me."

I made her take deep breaths again and again until she calmed down and was able to talk. "I'm sorry." She laid her head on my chest.

"There's nothing to apologize for, darling." I started to run my fingers through her hair. "What happened?" 

"It's nothing, I just get nightmares like that sometimes." She tried to explain.

"What was it about?"

"Something that happened to me a couple years ago. I never really healed from it mentally I guess."

I could tell she didn't want to talk about it and I wasn't going to press about it right now. I nodded and laid my head on top of hers. Whoever did this is going to regret ever knowing her name, let alone laying a finger on her.


The next morning I woke up before Esther and walked downstairs to make breakfast. I opened the cabinets and grabbed everything I would need for chocolate chip pancakes. I set the pan on the stove and started to whip up the batter. I did everything quietly so I wouldn't wake up Esther. After she had fallen back asleep last night she hadn't had any other nightmares but I still didn't want to wake her up by being too loud. She didn't tell me much about the nightmares. It seemed like a sore subject and I didn't want to ask too much if she didn't want to talk about it yet.

I poured that batter into the pan and watched it cook for a minute as I started hearing floorboards creaking up in my room. Esther must've woken up.

Sure enough, a few minutes later Esther slowly came downstairs and found me in the kitchen. "Good morning, darling."

She smiled as she walked over to me. "Good morning."

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