Chapter 55

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For the past two days, ever since we saw her mom in the hospital, Esther hadn't been herself. She was less talkative, more reserved, she didn't seem to want to be around me as much and she would stay in our bedroom most days. She only got out of bed to eat – sometimes not even then – and to go visit her sister who was still in the hospital although the doctor said she'll probably be released in a few days.

Anytime I asked her she would always deny that anything was wrong, instead saying she was just tired. I didn't know how to help her, no matter what I said she never revealed what was wrong.

I knew it was something her mother had said while they were alone, I just didn't know what it was. I had a bad feeling when Esther wanted to speak to her alone but I could see how much Mae wanted to so I let her. It was the worst mistake I've made.

She walked out of Mira's room that day and walked straight past me, not even giving me a second glance as she walked towards the elevator at the end of the hall. I followed her out of the building as she walked to my car and got in, not acknowledging me once. The drive home that day was silent as I tried to give her a chance to talk to me on her own, though she never did.

Even now, sitting next to her sister's bed and quietly talking to her, Mae didn't seem like herself. I thought about it for a moment before standing up from my seat and walking over to Mae. "Darling," I spoke softly. "Can I borrow your phone? I left mine at the apartment." I lied.

I wasn't planning to go through her phone since I respected her privacy and I trusted her, I only needed it to call Indiana since I didn't have her number. Mae nodded and handed me her phone before turning back to Josie. I kissed the top of Esther's head. "Thank you, darling. I'll be right back."

I left Josie's hospital room and walked a little ways down the hall before attempting to unlock her phone. I typed in our anniversary date since I remembered Esther mentioned a few days ago that it was her password. Sure enough, her phone unlocked on the first try and I searched through her contacts. Finding Indiana's number, I hit the call button and waited as it rang.

She picked up after a few rings with a happy tone. "Hey, Es. What's up?"

"Indi, it's Ash." I told her and before she could assume anything was wrong, I continued. "I'm only using Esther's phone because I don't have your number, she's alright. Well kind of."

"Ash, what are you talking about?" Indi asked, confusion and worry now lacing her voice.

"That's what I was calling you about. Mae isn't herself and she won't talk to me about it. I don't know what happened but I was hoping maybe you could help her?" My statement turned into a question as I finished talking. I wasn't sure if Mae would talk to her or not but I hoped she would.

It worried me how depressed Mae seemed the past few days. I didn't want to admit it because I knew how hard Mae worked to overcome it but I was worried her mother had said something to trigger her depression and I was hoping to help her before it got worse.

"What do you mean she isn't herself?" Indi asked, the confusion was gone from her voice and it was overtaken by concern.

"I don't know," I sighed. "She isn't talking as much, she barely gets out of bed, sometimes she won't eat and it seems like she wants to be alone most of the time."

There was silence on Indiana's end of the line and I thought she had hung up. Right as I was taking the phone away from my ear she talked again. "Was there anything that could've triggered this that you know of?"

"A couple days ago when she was informed of the car accident her mom and sister got into she asked me if she could talk to her mother alone and I agreed. After that she's been acting differently."

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