Chapter 24

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I interlocked my fingers with Mae's as I led her through the crowded halls and into the courtyard of the school. I had been looking for her all over the school when she finally texted me back and told me she was in detention. Relief flooded me when I heard my phone go off and I quickly texted Josie and Indiana to tell them I found her since I had them looking for her too.

Part of me knew that I was worrying for no reason and she was fine but another part of me had to see her to believe that. So now that I had her hand in mine, my body was finally calm again.

I led her through the parking lot, weaving in-between cars while still holding onto Mae's hand. "Where are we going, Ash?"

"I want to show you something, Darling." I walked towards the other side of the parking lot and into the woods that were behind it.

"You want to show me something," She repeated, confusion lacing her tone as she continued. "in the woods?"

I nodded and slightly tugged on her hand so she would walk beside me instead of behind me. "Yes, darling. Trust me, you'll love it." I hoped she would at least. I found this a few days ago while walking around in here. When I saw it I immediately thought of Esther and how the ivy that covered it reminded me of her eyes and I hoped she would love it as much as I did otherwise I just wasted her only free period today.

"How far into the woods is it?" Mae questioned as I helped her over a fallen tree.

"Not too much further, it's only a few acres more." When I found it I had wondered how no other teenager had found it and vandalized it since it was less than ten acres away from the school. My guess was either they found it and left it alone because they too thought it was too beautiful to be touched, which I doubt, or no teens had thought of exploring back here.

After only another minute we came to the giant clearing I had found only a few days ago. Standing tall upon it was the large abandoned brick house which looked to only be abandoned for a few years. The bricks still held their color as well as the roof yet it was covered in ivy which climbed up the side of the house and towards the roof. "This is gorgeous ." Mae sighed in awe next to me as she too took in the house in front of us.

To the right side of the door there was a large window of which only the top could be seen due to the bushes that had grown against the house. A few feet above the large window was another window although this one was much smaller and the ivy had grown around it concealing all but a quarter of it. "I knew you'd like it." I smiled as I pulled her into my side and looked down at her. Her gaze was still fixed on the house in front of us, taking in every little detail.

(This is just what I imagine the house to look like, you of course can imagine it any way you like ~ Alex)

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(This is just what I imagine the house to look like, you of course can imagine it any way you like ~ Alex)

"How'd you even find this?" I sat down with my back against a tree and pulled her to sit down with me. She sat down like I wanted her to and leaned her head on my shoulder as we both stared at the house in front of us.

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