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Ep.1 - A story of mine

"Their souls are intertwined with each other yet his heart fell in love with another."

My mom said as she read the book in front of my face. I looked at it to see 2 girls and a boy. A girl and a boy are hugging each other while the other girl was far away, looking at them hugging with a red string attached to her body that was also attached on the boy's body.

"Now that's just rude, mom." I spoke, looking up at my mother's face. She was currently reading about souls, the souls for partners.

"Well that's how the story started, sweetie." She replied with a rub on my head before speaking again, "Wait till the end for the great ending." She smiled at me, pulling my blanket up to my chest.

I pout before giggling, "Continue please." I said as I grip on my blanket, looking at my mom with interested eyes.

"Well, once upon a time."


"(Y/N)! Get your ass up, you're gonna be late for school!" My mom yelled downstairs as I pulled my blanket up to my face. As I heard a bang on my door, it woken me up before shooting myself up into a sitting position.

The door flung opened revealing mom with a spatula in hand. "Oh, you're awake." She said in a calm voice, looking straight at me. "Well, chop chop! Go take a shower before that clock of ours chime." She said before shutting the door as she walked out.

I let a grunt out before tiredly walking to the showers. Once I was dressed up and ready with my backpack. I walked out my room to the kitchen downstairs.

I sat on the table just in time for mom to put a plate in front of me. I looked at my breakfast to see french toast and egg. With a shrug, I grabbed the fork and ate.

"I have work in 30 minutes and I don't think I'll be back until midnight. A lot of work has reached my table and I need to work on it." She said, digging on her plate.

"Why are you working in the Stark Industry again?" I asked, eating the toast. "Because it's a job offer from your uncle and for me to raise an awesome child like you." She giggled, pointing her fork at me.

"Mooom, stop it!" I chuckled before getting up to get the orange juice in the fridge. She smiled at me. "Go, get going. I'll clean the dishes and I'll let you buy take-out later on." She said.

I drank the orange juice from it's container before passing it to mom, who also drank from it. I have to admit, she's a cool mom. She chuckled, "Go, go, your bus will arrive in minutes."

I smiled at her before getting my bag from the ground. "Bye mom!" I yelled, running out the door. "Bye honey!" She yelled back.

I finally got to the bus stop, just in time for the bus to arrive. I stepped in before walking to the very back when I got pulled to a seat. I looked at the person to see Betty.  

"Oh hey, bet." I smiled at her before sitting beside her. "Are you seriously walking to the back again? How m-"

"Many times do you have to tell me to find you first." I finished her sentence before shrugging. "Same answer, a million times." I said again.

"You're no hope but that's why I'm not giving up." She smiled at me. I chuckled before smirking. "Keep on trying, blondie." I glance at her. "Rude much?" She said before chuckling.

I laughed, we talked and talked until we reach the school. Mostly about guys and lessons we'll be having.

We got off the bus and started walking in the school. "So got your schedule and locker?" She asked as we avoid people, walking with us/ to us. "Yes and yes." I replied, walking even faster.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" She yelled within the the crowd. "Just go to your show with Jason, I'll be fine!" I yelled back before disappearing with the crowd.

"(Y/N)!" I heard her yell but I just shrugged it, still going in the flow of the students before bumping into someone, making me fall to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The guy said. "Here, let me help you." He said again. I looked up to notice two guys, one putting his hand out. I grabbed it and I was pulled to my feet.

The other guy grabbed my bag from the ground and hand me to it. I grabbed it. "I'm so sorry again for bumping into you." He said.

"No, it's fine. It's fine." I said. I scrunch my nose as I smell the scent of Alcohol, motor oil, supreme cologne and different kinds of chemicals.

"I'm Peter, Peter Parker." He said before pointing to the other guy beside him. "And this is my friend, Ned, Ned Leeds.".

"I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N." I replied, I shake hands with the both of them. "I'll see you in lunch I guess." He said. I just nodded before bidding my goodbye and walking away.

'Why does he smell like that?' I thought as I went towards the physics classroom. 'I might have to ask Mom about this.'


Finally! Lunch time!

I started running through the halls, going to the cafeteria. Before sitting down on the farthest table. I looked around, spotting Betty from the door. I waved my hands in the air, just to get her attention.

She noticed me and started walking to me. "You won't believe who I saw!" She excitedly said as she grabbed my shoulder and started shaking me.

"Bet, stop." I called before I got even dizzier from the shaking. "Oh, oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said, stopping before silently sitting beside me.

After a couple of minutes, I decided to open my mouth only to shut them close as she started talking.

"I saw the Avengers!" She almost scream. "The what?!" I yelled.

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