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I'm soooo sorry. This episode is from boredom so the sentences might be boring and all.

Ep. 40 - Meet-up

"Baby, you need to eat." Matthew called, him placing the plate on the bed. I just shook my head, no, leaning on the bed more, closing my eyes, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

And when I opened them, Stark was in front of me, staring at me worriedly.

As instinct, I placed my hand on his cheek, his skin rougher than I thought. "Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones turn into something beautiful and you know, you know I love you so, you know I love you so." I smiled before my vision turned black.

I opened them back again and Matthew was there. My hand on his cheek. "Baby." He spoke in a worried tone.

I quickly retracted my hand from his cheek. "I'm sorry." I spoke in a whisper, looking away from him.

"You're hallucinating and you're getting weaker and weaker. You need to gain your strength if you're going to meet Wanda and Natasha."

"Wade, that's your 5th slice." Matt spoke in annoyance. As Wade kept trying to feed me with his carrot cake. I sometimes giggle and taking it. Until I heard familiar voices.


I quickly turned to see Nat and Wanda. Wade and Matt quickly standing up. Wade standing infront of me protectively.

"Uncles, stand down." I spoke. Wade just shook his head, stubborn.

I just sighed, "Let's meet someday, now is not the time." I spoke, pulling Wade out of the cafe with Matt following behind.

After quite a bit of convincing, Wade let them meet me.

I just sighed, finally accepting the food. After eating half of it. I gave the plate to Matt. He smiled, accepting it, giving me my glass of water.

Today is the meeting.

Matt took me to the cafe while Wade was in the crowd of people, spying. Even though I told him not too.

That's when we saw Wanda and Nat with Peter near the window seat, where Wade, Matt and I were sitting once.

"Who's that?" Whispered my uncle beside me, talking about Peter. "A great friend, he's friends of my best friend's mate." I replied. He just nodded as we walked there.

We both sat on the other seat.

"Where is the other guy?" Nat spoke.

"He's still mad that I convinced him for me to talk to you guys." I replied.

Hey. Hey, how you doing? Still couldn't believe, you're here and you saw 'that'.

Wanda spoke in my head before facing me with a grimace look. I nodded, knowing what she's saying.

"Hey Peter." I smiled. "Shit, you're actually here." Peter spoke which I chuckled at.

"Oh yeah, we told Bruce but the others would be suspicious if us four just walked out of the tower, so Bruce made you this in secret." Nat spoke before giving me a bracelet.

I just nodded, putting it on. My undying sickness seems to lessen. But Matt took my arm and looked at the bracelet before giving me a slight nod. I just shook my head, knowing he was looking for a tracker.

"Wait, who's this?" Peter spoke, looking at Matt. "I'm sorry about that. So Uncle Matt, this is Peter and guys, meet my uncle."

He just nodded as a greeting and so did the others.

"Tell Bruce, I'm thankful for the bracelet, my sickness seems to lessen." I spoke in a smile. "And also, I might visit the tower sooner or later."

This made the other two froze while Wanda was giving me a worried look.

"No need. I know what I'm gonna see." I smiled at them.

"Wait, you knew?" Peter spoke. I nodded, "I was in the wedding with my other uncle." I replied.

"Oh.. (Y/N)." Nat spoke.

"No need to pity me. I'm fine now actually. And besides, I bet the other four is still waiting for me."

Wanda and Peter looked at me in shock while Nat just smirked. "We're gonna wait for your arrival then." She spoke. I just giggled.


"There is no way, you're going back to that tower!" Wade yelled as he shove another slice of carrot cake in his mouth.

"Wade, I'm not going back to him. You know that. And you already know about the 4 other dudes. And what about Mom and I'm guessing my now step-dad." I spoke.

He just sighed. "Fine, alright. But if Stark put a hand on you, I'm not hesitating to cut him."

I just laughed. "And I'm not stopping you." Winking at him. He smiled widely. "So I can cut him now?" He quickly spoke.

"No- Wade- you said if he touch me."

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