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Ep.38 - Fragments


"Steve, man, c'mon. The man clearly needed his beauty sleep." Clint said almost chuckling at his own sentence. "AND YOU TOO, BARTON." Steve yelled. I immediately muffled a chuckle out as I dig on my cereal bowl.

Bucky hearing it, choke on his, coughing almost all of the cereal at Steve. "Buck, you alright?" I said, pretending to be worried as I pat his back.

He gave me a thumbs up before drinking down his glass of water. I bit my bottom lip from laughing as I eye Steve. The lower part of his shirt has cereal and milk on it. I quickly took my eyes off him then to the cereal.

I heard him let a grunt out. "Now I need to change again, thanks buck." He said before hearing him walk away. I looked up, looking around for his footsteps.

Once we know he's out of sight and hear. All of us, laughed loudly. "That was hilarious." Clint laughed. "Have you seen his face?" Bucky now laughed. I laughed at the two.


"Oh uh indeed." Loki blurred out. All eyes were now on him. Loki, shut up for one second, you're going to make us look suspicious. Look at Wanda, she's calm and collected.

I thought before looking at Wanda, who's literally panicking in her mind. She's not calm and collected. She got a lot of trauma.

Loki was that you? Yes indeed, it is I, Loki of Asgard in your lovely mind. Get the hell out of my mind. Loki, get out of her mind. Wanda?! Wanda? Got a problem? Stop talking to me in my mind! Can't help it. Literally can't help it. You know what, this is fine. Since you two are the only ones who knows about the things. Ehh- about that, I had told someone about your plans I might say. You what?! Please tell me you're joking.

I'm afraid not, darling. But that said person is very trustworthy, trust me. How could I trust a man who literally wanted to rule the earth? He's being controlled. I was being controlled. Fair enough.


I bolted out of my sleep into a sleeping position before groaning as I place a hand on my head. Memories?

As an instinct, I turned to look at the clock, 2am. I sighed, laying back down, closing my eyes but tiredness never came. I tried another sleeping position but nothing. I just sighed, sitting back up.

I just decided to wait till the sun rises, laying my upper body on the headboard. In those waiting, I have slept while sitting up.


I blushed at the fact that Bucky's flesh arm was around my waist. "Buck?" I whispered. With a giggle from the man on the kitchen. Bucky kissed my head. "I thought you want to cuddle?" He said.

There's no way, there is NO way. "You two need to stop cuddling before I'll cuddle with you." The man in the kitchen said before laughing a bit. I was then let go by him. The cold air hit my face. Wait so that means, I was warm. Oh my god..


Everything went by slowly as I train with Maria, well let's just say we're being easy since the last time. Fury was busy and Nat was just watching me and Maria. She told me that Bruce and Wanda were calling her non-stop but she keep on ignoring, praise that woman.

"Steve's calling." I heard Nat as I punch the punch mitts on Maria's hands. I heard her muttering behind me as I kept training.

"Yeah, she's with me no need to panick.... No, no.. She's mad at them what am I supposed to do?... No I'm not going to let them talk... Later on... Yeah we'll be back in about an hour, I guess?... Yeah bye." She said before putting the phone down, looking straight at me.

"So I guess those two are panicking because firstly you won't answer and secondly you're basically ignoring them and they can't find me everywhere." I replied at her gaze.

"Bingo." She said. I just nodded, moving to the dagger section with Maria.


I got out of the room to see Bucky, Clint, Thor and Loki holding out gifts in front of me. They're basically kneeling down.

"Happy birthday, love." All of them say in unison. "Aww, you guys know about it?." I spoke, cooing at the sight.

They all nodded. "We can't just forget your birthday, right?" Bucky now spoke. "Thank you." I almost cried as I got my presents from them.


The training went smoothly and I manage to defeat Nat from a spar which she's very proud at. Maria was very proud of me and decided to run and tell Fury. I got my first pair of daggers and a pistol to start training with, in the tower. With Nat as my coach, of course. Maybe I'll tell Clint about it soon so I could start training with him also.


I woke up again. Fragments of a memory? I thought, looking out of the window. The sun was finally out. They were familiar but I can't put a finger to it. Who... Are... They?

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