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So to anyone who's still confused about the thoughts part..

Normal - You
Bold - Loki
Italics and Underline - Wanda
Bold and Underline - Loki and Wanda
Bold and Italics - You and Loki

Ep.18 - And another one bites the dust

"Tony's just jealous." Steve had said. Everything blurred out as my mind got pulled into space. The space of where I can thought about everything.

I haven't slept, I know it. I was still by Loki's side not seemingly moving from the spot. It's like midnight and my body was tired but yet my mind and heart keeps on waking me up. I just can't sleep. I tried, nothing happened.

It feels like I need to be awake. But I don't know why. I sighed mentally, thinking about Bucky and Clint yet again.

Why am I thinking about them again?

It's like flashes upon flashes, from smiling at them, laughing with them, making jokes left and right, to crying with them and sleeping with them. They made me feel full. Not like Tony.

He didn't told Pepper about me, it clearly seemed like I'm just a toy for him. A toy barbie doll. That's what my mother told me.

Don't be a barbie, a third-wheel. Don't get carried away if he said 'I love you', let him show it to you. If he doesn't show it, don't care. Don't care at all. Don't let him use you, you're more than that. You're more than a toy barbie doll.

He doesn't love me.. Right? He clearly doesn't.




I got pulled out of my thoughts, only to feel something violently shaking me. I looked at the shaker to see Pepper.

I shook my head. "Yeah?" I innocently said. We can literally see your thoughts. Sorry guys, I just can't-.. don't know my feelings anymore. Don't worry about it. We'll help you find them, if I got out of here early. You're not getting out. Yeah, you're not getting out.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Bruce. "Stuff." Wanda, Loki and I spoke in unison. I glance at Wanda with Vision on her side. So that's Vision. Oh- Stop eyeing him. Wanda and Vision sitting on a tree, doing something they shouldn't be. Starts with an S and ends with an X. Oh my god they're having-. Shut up!

I let a muffled giggle out as Loki snorted which gain a few eyes. But the two of us glance at Wanda who's clearly a tomato and hiding her face on Vision's shoulder.

It made me and Loki laugh only for Loki hold his chest. "Can anyone of you make a rule of me not laughing? It hurts." He said, clenching his chest. I was worried a bit before laughing once again.

"Haha very funny." He spoke, glaring at me. "Just rest goddamnit." I spoke, looking at Loki. I heard Wanda gasped behind me which I snapped my head at.

"What's wro-" "Loki, you did not!" She gasped. I started eyeing the two back and forth. It seems like they're talking to each other, 'eye language' they said.

I looked at Loki, shocked with guilt in his eyes. I turned to Wanda who was smiling sadly but excitement and pride was filled in her eyes. What are these two talking about?

Never gonna found out, I guess.


A few hours passed and the sun was already in the sky, lighting up the world. I manage to get a few hours of sleep beside Loki, which was comfortable to be honest.

Loki was still sleeping so I got up and went up to the living room to the kitchen. Before I could reach the kitchen and react, I was scooped up from my feet.

I yelped only to see the metal and flesh arms around me. "Buck!" I giggled. "Put me down!" I added. He giggled back, "No." He said and after that we're on the couch, Bucky cuddling me from behind.

"Tony will be down here, let me go." I whispered to him. "No." He whined. I just sighed, "Where's Clint?"

"In the kitchen, making the other competitor some food." He spoke, kissing my shoulder. "Wait, other competitor?" I said, glancing at him. "Well, it looks like he haven't told you yet. He'll tell you soon." He replied.

I just nodded. "Hey love." A voice so familiar from me. I looked back to see Clint with a tray in hand. I smiled at him, only to feel the heat raising from my cheeks. "Hi." I spoke barely audible from his distant.

He just chuckled. "Being shy now, are we?" He said. "N-no!" I quickly said only to stutter. "Oh- Ms. (Y/N) is stuttering." I heard another voice. I turned towards the doorway to see a shirtless Thor.

Why the fuck..

I felt myself getting more hotter the longer I looked at him. I immediately closed my eyes. "Put a shirt on!" I yelled.

I heard the booming laughter from the three men. "This is not funny!" I yelled again. "It is to us." Bucky spoke.

"Bucky, can I take a breather please?" I sighed, I felt his arms loosen its grips around me and I decided to hang my head low and open my eyes revealing the floor.

"I'm out!" I quickly yes as I walked out the room, seeing Thor's feet. Damn, good thing he's tall or I could have seen him stomach or abs I might say..... Why am I thinking about it?!

I immediately rush to the elevator which Friday took me to rooftop. I murmured a thanks as I finally reach to the top.

The door opened and saw Wanda and Bruce.

"LOKI JUST TOLD ME THAT HE LIKE (Y/N)!!" Wanda shouted with a mix of excitement and worry.

HE WHAT?! I screamed in my thoughts. "Friday, down." I murmured. "Now."

Before the doors started closing, Wanda and Bruce were already looking at me. "WAIT (Y/N)!" I heard Wanda as the doors finally closed and brought me down.

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