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Ep.15 - Another one? Another one.

"What tests?"

I jumped before turning around. "Oh bruce, you scared me." I said, putting a hand on my chest.

"So what are these tests, you are currently talking about?" He replied, going in my room. "Test- uhhh.. School Tests! Yeah!" I quickly reply.

"You're lying, aren't you? Don't worry Loki told me about the Fury thing." He said. "Oh god. It's a good thing I never called Steve." I said before realizing something. "Why am I going to tell Steve to take me to SHIELD again?" I muttered.

He laughed. "I really don't know." He said. I groan before plopping down my bed. "Clint really had a liking on you, huh?"

"Let's go past that please. All I know was Tony and I did the 'thing' then only to feel like there's no feelings in it." I said. "Well if you put it that way, it's bad." He spoke before sitting beside me.

"I just don't know what I'm doing now, or how I feel in this whole thing."

"Understandable." He spoke, nodding his head. "Also how about Bucky? He also had a liking on you." He added.

"I already know all that stuff. And Bucky and him are definitely not giving up unless Stark broke up with me or I stopped caring about him." I said.

"That's true, that's true." He said. "Well, you should probably clean up the shattered window then sleep. Can't have you walking to the bathroom and step on glass shards." He spoke.

"Now you said that. Can you help me?" I said before looking at him with puppy eyes. "Uh- no." He spoke. I pout at his answer. "But why?" I said in a cute manner.

"Ugh, fine. But you have to tell me about everything from your trainings to everything." He said. "But you have to secretly take me to SHIELD also." I replied.

"Alright, sure. Info to Info. I'm fine with that." He said. "Yes! Thanks Bruce." I smiled at him. "No need to thank me. I just need to know why Fury wanted you to be an agent." He whispered.

"Sure." I said dragging sure a bit longer.



I quickly sat up and look at the door. "Peter shut up!" I groan before plopping myself down the bed again. "If you don't wake up, the guys fixing the door will!" He yelled again.

I groaned again before walking to the bathroom. "I hate this!" I yelled.

After I was done I asked Friday what time was it. "11 am with the temperature of 88°F."

"88? Wow." I replied before putting Bucky's jacket on again. It was comfy. It's the truth. But how would it feel like to cuddle with him? Nah. Maybe though.

I exited my room before walking myself to the kitchen. "Morning." I heard them say. "Morning." I replied before sitting beside Bucky and Clint.

"Buck, you're right, this jacket is comfy. Thanks." I told him before plating myself some pancakes. "No problem, I know you would love it." He smiled. I smiled back before smiling at Clint.

"So about the 'thing' in your head." I heard Loki. I widen my eyes before snapping my head towards him to see him smirking.

"You better shut up, Loki." I mouthed at him which he just smirked more. "What do you think, Wanda?" He spoke again before looking at Wanda right beside Thor and Pietro. I snapped my head towards her before looking at her with a 'Don't you dare speak about it' look.

"To be honest, it's not bad to try." She smirked before gazing her eyes to me and Loki. I felt my cheeks burn before hiding my face with both of my hands.

"Shut up!" I whispered-yell in my hands. "Oh c'mon, it's not bad to try." Loki spoke again, repeating what Wanda had said.

"Ok, what are you guys talking about?" I heard Bucky beside me. I felt my cheeks burn even more. If I took my hands off, I might be looking like a tomato now.

"Well, young missy over here was fantasizing about someone." Loki responds. "Loki, oh my god, shut up!" I said.

"Oh really? Can we know who this person is, brother?" I heard Thor. Oh shit I forgot about Thor.

What do you mean you forgot about Thor? I meant, I forgot he also had a liking on me. A tiny one to be exact. Well, he now had a liking on you. Not a tiny one, he's desperate like the other two. There's no way. There's no way.

Wanna go ask him? Oh hell nah. But I might consider if he truly love me. Oh c'mon, he's not worth it. Stop being mean to him. He can be mean to anyone. Especially me and you so don't test him. Thank you for understanding my point of view, (Y/N). Now I like you. Fuck off. Ouch. Rude much.



"LOKI!" Someone shouted. Oh it's Thor.

"Huh? What? What happened?" Loki replied with a bit of confusion in his voice. "You three are doing the eye language again." Nat said.

"Eye language?" I said. "Oh nothing, just talking, so back to the question." Wanda called. I glared at her. What the hell is eye language? No one knows we're talking in minds and they just realized we're glaring and staring at each other while we talk so yeah, eye language. Oh.

"So the question yeah. What is the question again?" I heard Loki. I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Who is the person Ms. (Y/N) is fantasizing about?" Bucky, Thor and Clint both said with a hidden excitement in their voices.

They are definitely in love with you, I just know it. Yeah, they are.

"How about I'll say it's a secret that no one needs to know." Loki spoke before nodding his head to Wanda. "I want to tell you guys but I just can't." She smiled.

"That's definitely me." Tony spoke. Oh Mr. Highly, it's not. With that thought, Loki and Wanda both snickered before biting the inside of their cheeks to hide a laugh.

"It's definitely me." Tony said again. I rolled my eyes before digging on my plate. "Don't assume it's you, Stark." Loki now called which gain a lot of gasps from the group.

And I could tell Tony was boiling right now. "Relax, he's the god of lies and mischief." I called, not even looking at the boiling Tony Stark at the end of the table.

"And don't assume I always lie." Loki spoke again, I looked at him to see him smirk. "Loki, I swear to God." I said.

"You swear to me?" He spoke again. I just rolled my eyes yet again before digging into my plate. I decided to shut everything down as I finish my plate.

Only to see Tony already standing up, glaring at Loki. Their yelling are muffled though. I can't hear a single thing. From the shouting of Steve, well not only Steve because everyone was shouting.

I just let them have their yells turn onto me so I slowly walk out the kitchen. I swear I can heard them yelling my name to stop Tony from killing Loki but it's too muffled, I really can't hear anything.

It's like I'm standing near a nuclear explosion. Like the ringing. The ringing in my ears made everything too muffled. Well now, I like the silence.

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