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Ep.39 - Safety household, not.

"I told you, we should've went back to Russia. (Y/N)'s memories are returning!"

"I'm calling Ranger."

The voices I've hear as I can only see darkness surrounding me. My memories are returning?

"We're so close to have you back, Viper." Was the last thing I heard before pain interrupted my body.


I woke up in a red room, with pictures of Deadpool around the walls.

"Wade? Are you sure?" I heard Mom as I slowly walk down the stairs with Matthew behind me. "Be careful, baby." He spoke. I just nodded at him.

Once we reached the living, there I saw Mom talking to uncle. Or should I say 'THE Deadpool'?

"Uncle Wade!" I yelled in pure joy as I run to him. He immediately picked me up. "Hey bunny. How was your day with Uncle Matthew?" He spoke.

I just giggled, "It was fun! He teach me how to defend myself!"

"Really? That's good, bunny!" He smiled before bringing me down.



I snapped my head to the door and saw Matthew. "Uncle?" Was all I replied. He smiled at me before walking up to me. "I knew you'll remember me. Wade is in my room, crying right now." He sat near me. I sat up before giving him a hug.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Do you want the long version or the short version?" He chuckled. I just shook my head before giggling. "The short version please." I replied.

"Okay, well. Ever since your uncle Wade found out about you missing, he was mad and so he sneaked to Shield, knowing they are looking for you. And when he found out that you're with that shithead. We started making a plan to get to you and for some odd reason, we succeed and you're now here."

I just nodded, barely remembering what happened last before this.

"Is Wade alright?" I asked.

"Yes and no. He's currently in his 54th tub of ice cream." He said in a smug face. I just chuckled before jumping out of bed. "Let's go to him then."

He nodded. "Are you sure you're alright now?" He asked worriedly as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and nodded smiling. "Uncle, I'm fine. Now, let's go before Wade decided to buy more ice cream." I giggled yet again.

We walked out of the room to another room. When Matt opened it, Wade was in his bed, sobbing while shoving a big spoon of ice cream in his mouth.

"Wade, seriously?" I spoke, putting a hand on my hip, looking at him.

With a big gasp, he run to me, hugging me tightly. "Bunny! Oh! You don't know how sad I was when we found you!-" He spoke, faster than sonic, himself. I just chuckled.

Little did I know, I was gonna be trapped in here for 3 years.

I was trapped in the household of Wade Wilson and Matthew Murdock for 3 whole years. And a lot has happened, I finally gained my memory back but I didn't want to go back just yet because BlackBlood was still around.

Wade was all around the city, for news to give me. And that's when I told them about my soulmate, who is Tony Stark, which kinda gain two more eyes on him. But with that.

Wade started spying on Tony more. He had told me how the Avengers think that I was dead since when they attacked BlackBlood - 1 and a half year ago- they didn't see me. I was gone.

And that's when I remembered they were going to left me there for also 1 and a half year. My mind would have been gone at those moments. Why did they wait so long?

And with that, the Avengers seemed to fall apart. One by one, they stopped caring but they were still a team. The Earth's defenders, they said.

But one day after that, I have received the most heartbreaking news.

"(Y/N)?" Wade spoke. I was shocked since he never say my name, unless the information was serious. Matthew just eyed Wade.

"You know, that time when you felt like you were so sick all of the sudden. I found what it was." Wade said again. I just nodded, listening in. I still felt sick, yes, but not much than the last time.

I saw him clinching his fist until his knuckles were white. He was mad, very frustrated.

"Stark is going to marry another woman."

When he left those words out of his mouth. I felt my world shatter. He's gonna marry another woman..

It felt like I was gonna throw up and that I did. I run to the bathroom, only to throw today's food in the toilet.

Wade and Matthew was already behind me. Matthew pulling my hair back and Wade was more angrier than I thought.

"I'm killing him." Was all he said before stomping out of the room.


Of course, I didn't let this pass me. I convinced Wade to take me to the wedding. And now we're here, I thought Stark will have a wedding at like a beach or a cruise but no. It's literally in a chapel.

So Wade and I were on the support beams on the roof, looking down at the people below.

The woman was actually a superstar, a model. It felt like throwing up again but I looked past at it. Good thing, Wade brought me a sapphire necklace. The only gem that could hid a scent too well. I thanked him for that since I don't want to 'ruin' his wedding.

Tears were now in my eyes as he kissed her so delicately.

"God, I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you." I murmured in my breath. Wade hearing it, looking at me worried.

"You betrayed me." You betrayed me.

"Let's go." I said before walking past him. A pair of eyes staring straight at me.

Hi, Wanda.

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