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Ep.33 - Secrets Told

As days went by, Nat and Wanda visited me more and more. 'Protecting' me from danger. I haven't told them about my fight with Tony. But since I haven't gotten the news about the 4 boys clearly having a breakdown from me 'cheating'.

I already know Tony haven't told everyone about it.

Today, I'm making myself lunch as I having a break from my work, Ms. October called in and said that the Library will be closed just for 2 days because of something urgent.


I quickly turned around to the voice, seeing Wanda who's clearly mad as hell.

"I'm guessing Tony told you about the 'cheating' part." I spoke, turning back around as I emphasize the cheating bit. "Well, you and Nat had been with me for quite a while so, you should already know about the answer to that." I added.

"What? What do you mean about cheating?" She asked, which I quickly turn around to.

"Wait. So. You - yelling my name loud as hell wasn't from you knowing about Tony spreading a cheating rumor about me?" I said, clearly confused about the situation we're having.

"Wait, slow down. Tony? Tony knew you're here?" She said. "Yeah? I thought you knew??" I spoke yet again.

"I don't know about this one, (Y/N)." She replied. "Oh my god, oh... My... God..." I said. Turning off the stove. "You- You don't know?" I added.


Crap. "Alright, just forget everything that I just said, I said nothing alright?" I spoke before quickly turning around, not wanting to make eye contact.

"I can't just forget about that. What happened when Nat and I were gone?" She said.

I sighed. "I- He-.. Nothing." I blurred out. God, why did I suddenly became a shuttering mess?

"It's definitely something, (Y/N). Tell me what happened. I won't be mad well except Nat but I won't be mad." She said.

"... So you know about Fury and him literally asking me if it's alright to date mom, right?" I said. "Yeah, go on." She replied.

"After that, Tony barged in and he's saying his sorry and such. Then, he kissed me and we started arguing, it came to me 'cheating' since he could smell either Peter's or Fury's cologne in here. What an idiotic son of a genius." I chuckled a bit.

"That's a lot. Well Nat will be in here any minute now so she could rage and definitely pounce on Tony." She said, which made me laugh a bit.

I quickly finished the lunch. Placing it in the dining table. "So what's the 'you yelling my name loud when you walk in'?" I asked.

"Oh, uh- Thor got into a fight with Tony and it literally took me, Vision, Nat and Bruce to calm him down. They're falling apart." She said as she helped me with plates and utensils.

As in time for Wanda to place the last plate on the table, the door opened revealing Nat.

She let out a frustrated groan before settling down on a chair. I stared at her, "And what happened to you?" I said.

Wanda sat down on the opposite side of Nat while I sat on the opposite end of the both. "Clint and Steve can't shut up about you. They're always like, 'We better find (Y/N)', 'Fury doesn't wanna help', 'Where is (Y/N)?', 'If she loves me, she'll come back right?'."  Nat spoke before resting her head on the top of the chair.

"I mean, I've been gone for a while now. They might think I'm already kidnapped while except Fury, you two, Peter and... Tony." I spoke, mumbling the name Tony.

Which was a mistake.

"Who?! Tony?! Tony knew you're here?!" Nat immediately yelled, surprising me. Wanda just looked at me with a 'I told you' look.

I sighed before telling Nat about what happened which is also a mistake.

After the story, she immediately run out, not even giving Wanda the time to stop her. "Well, let's just say that Tony will either be dead or.. uh- dead." Wanda spoke. I quietly chuckled, rolling my eyes at the witch.

I continued, wait no. We continued eating since Wanda doesn't have the time to stop the raging assassin to kill the one and only, Tony Stark.

After our meal, Wanda packed Nat's food before walking out. I decided to clean my place as I have nothing to do and I basically locked myself in my place since Wanda and Nat told me too.

About the whole 'protecting you' kind of thing, yeah.

               ~|POV Change|~

"Keep your eyes to the target."

"Yes, sir."

"Make sure no one's around and strike. This is a one-way out, soldier."

"Information clear. She will be with us tonight."

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