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Ep.10 - A Talk

Yesterday was like a rollercoaster ride. Bucky and Clint stayed with me for the whole night and I woke up with them on either side of me. And no, we haven't done it. Well that's what I remember.

I sighed as we're now at the kitchen, the three of us woke up quite late so instead of the morning breakfast, Steve, Wanda and Vision had made. We only got a simple cereal with a scoff and yell from Steve, telling us that we should wake up more early.

I mean I can't blame the man because he clearly lost one of his jogger friends. I just chuckle silently as he was giving a mouthful at Bucky.

"Steve, man, c'mon. The man clearly needed his beauty sleep." Clint said almost chuckling at his own sentence. "AND YOU TOO, BARTON." Steve yelled. I immediately muffled a chuckle out as I dig on my cereal bowl.

Bucky hearing it, choke on his, coughing almost all of the cereal at Steve. "Buck, you alright?" I said, pretending to be worried as I pat his back.

He gave me a thumbs up before drinking down his glass of water. I bit my bottom lip from laughing as I eye Steve. The lower part of his shirt has cereal and milk on it. I quickly took my eyes off him then to the cereal.

I heard him let a grunt out. "Now I need to change again, thanks buck." He said before hearing him walk away. I looked up, looking around for his footsteps.

Once we know he's out of sight and hear. All of us, laughed loudly. "That was hilarious." Clint laughed. "Have you seen his face?" Bucky now laughed. I laughed at the two.

"Alright, alright, enough laughing. Let's finish. So I can go back to my room and take a bath." I chuckled, digging into my cereal again. Once everyone finished Clint and Bucky stayed to clean the dishes as I walked back to my room.

I was already done with showering and almost cleaning my room two times. I sighed walking back out to the living room to notice a little girl.

"Hey." I softly smiled at her. "Hi! Wow, you're pretty!" She smiled at me. "Aww, thank you." I chuckled before sitting beside her on the couch.

"So what's your name?" I asked. "My name is Morgan! And you are?" She replied. My heart dropped once she said her name but I pushed a smile. "Well, I'm
(Y/N)." I said.

"Can I call you (N/N)?" "Sure you can call me that, so what are you doing here?" I asked. "Mom was just talking to Dad about something so she told me to stay in here. Friday was keeping me entertained for a while." She explained.

"Well are you hungry? I think someone left a chocolate bar for me earlier on." I smiled at me. "Chocolate!" She excitedly claimed, almost jumping from her seat. I chuckled at her reaction before walking to the kitchen with her following behind.

I opened the fridge and collect Clint's chocolate, destroying the tiny paper that proving it was his. I mean he wouldn't mind if I took it, right?

I chuckled at myself before opening the wrapper and gave Morgan a piece. She has sparkles on her eyes, they were filled with excitement and joy. Bucky was right, she was a lovely and a very, very innocent girl.

She started nibbling on the chocolate as I ate mine. I gave her another piece before putting the chocolate back. I'll write him a letter later, I thought while silently laughing to myself.

"Morgan, sweetie!" The familiar voice I knew too well. We both looked to the hallway and saw the blonde girl, Pepper. "Oh, looks like you found yourself a new friend." She chuckled, walking towards us.

"Pepper Potts." She said before reaching out a hand. "(Y/N) (L/N)." I replied before shaking hers. I mean I didn't want the atmosphere here to become awkward, she was just being nice, right?

I smiled at her. "What did Morgan do to deserve a chocolate?" She giggled before cooing at Morgan who was nibbling her second piece. I laughed, "Oh, nothing, just nothing. I just asked her if she wanted a piece and she said yes."

"Oh, well, it was nice meeting you, you must be the new recruit." She said. Wait, she doesn't know about the soulmate thing? Tony... Why didn't you told her yet? The hell is wrong with you?!


It seemed to shook my mind. "O-oh, yeah. I am." I simply lie, smiling at her to hide it. She just nodded before gesturing to Morgan that they needed to leave.

The little girl just smiled before skipping away with a yell of, "Goodbye (Y/N)!" Pepper smiled, giggling at her. "It was definitely nice knowing you, I'll tell Tony that you're my favorite." She chuckled before walking away.

That was awkward on my end. And it seemed she's having fun. I can't believe I already meet Morgan then THE Pepper Potts talked, TALKED to me.

I can't believe everything right now. But the pain in my heart was never walking away. Why am I even here?

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