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Ep.24 - A person so familiar

Months had passed, everything was normal, well normal as in, breakfast, talk to the others, glare at Tony, scoff at Tony, sleep, lunch, walk with Wanda/Nat, training, dinner and repeat.

It feels like a prison here in the tower especially since Tony's eyeing me like a hawk, for every time I spent a day with the 4 guys. I barely talk to Thor and Loki since they are needed in Asgard by a lot now. Clint and Steve insisted on training me if Nat got a mission or was sick.

Not to mention, but I manage to kick the America's ass which surprised the Hawkeye and made it as a blackmail for the america. It was working for a while until the america then told everyone about it, making the blackmail not work anymore.

My relationship with the 4 guys just increases while Tony and I just glared at each other, not even looking at each other in a friendly way. We're enemies now if that makes sense.

My training just got better and better as the month progresses. And that's when everything change.

"Ms. (Y/N), Director is asking for you to go to SHIELD at this time of hour." I heard Friday as my room lights turned on. I groaned and squint my eyes at the sudden light.

"It's barely 1 am. What the hell is his problem?" I said, squinting my eyes to the clock on my nightstand.

"I have no clue as to why he wanted you but he did say it was very important." The A.I. spoke.

I just sighed, rubbing my eyes awake and went to the bathroom quickly changing into the black suit, I was given 2 months ago.

"Expect missions late at night."

Oh shit. Maybe this is my first mission. Oh god.

I felt the adrenaline kick in as I finally wore the full suit. I didn't waste any more time and got my dagger and pistol on a hidden compartment under the bed. And immediately ran to the elevator, which was opened widely for me only.

It started descending down once I got in. I stretch my body a bit just in time for the doors to open.

"The keys are already on the rack, ma'am." Friday called. I smirked to myself as I got to the rack and saw Bucky's motor keys. I grabbed it and ran straight to his motorcycle.

Within minutes, I was now in SHIELD, getting greeted by other agents who stayed for the night. I finally got to Fury's office, who's already facing himself towards me.

"What is it?" I called. "I got a scouting mission for you. It's in London." He said. I'm sorry? Where exactly?

"In what now?" I replied. "Like I said, it's in London, there's a group there I want you to spy on. They're not that dangerous but they are indeed planning something which my agents cannot catch on. You can do whatever you want. I just need the information of this plan. Get going. This is your first mission, don't make me regret putting you as an agent." He said as he showed what seemed to be the central London.

A group of men, currently talking, I know this is just a video of them to see if I could memorize their faces. And I did. One.

I felt the sudden pain on my body as I just eyed that one guy. "I have to go, I'll come back near 4. I need mom." I quickly said as I walked out. "Be careful out there." I heard Fury replied back.

I quickly got to Bucky's motor and drive to my neighborhood and to mom's house.

I got to the door and banged the door. "Who is it?! I have a knife and I'm not afraid to stab you!" I heard her voice on the other side.

"Mom, it's me." I said which got the door slammed open and got a squeezing hug from the old woman. "Oh, my baby." She sighed.

"What are you wearing?" She asked as she let go. "First, come in. Come in, it's cold out here." She quickly added before pulling me in the house.

Everything was still the same in the house, nothing change. I smiled at the memories I once had here before looking straight at mom. "I have something to tell you." I said.

"Well, what is it?" She replied, sitting down next to me. "He's alive." Was all I can say to her. She widen her eyes in surprise before looking away from me.

"W-what do you mean?" Her voice broke a bit. She's fighting not to cry and you know it. I just reach for her hands and held it. "Mom, what ever will happen, he's not going near us again. I promise." I said.

She started sobbing before leaning myself. "You can stay in the tower if you want." I smiled at her, wrapping my arms around her. "Is it alright with them?" She sniffed.

"Well the others except Stark are happy to see you again. You'll just stay there, you'll be safe I promise." I said, rubbing her arm. "But I might not be home for a while. I have a mission to finish." I added which made her look at me.

"What? What kind of mission?" She quickly questioned, forgetting about her breakdown like 10 seconds ago. Of course, she'll get worried just by that. 

I giggled softly as her reaction. "It's just a scouting mission, not too dangerous. Just need to be cautious." I said. "It's still dangerous!" She said, slapping my wrapped hands around her.

I just laughed. "Go, pack your things. We'll need to be in the tower in 30 minutes because I need to get back to SHIELD and get a jet to London." I smiled at her again.

She just nodded before running up the stairs. "That old woman will be the death of me." I chuckled.

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