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Ep. 21 - The A.I.'s protection

I already took a quick bath and put Loki's shirt on with some matching shorts. I got to the dining room to notice everyone was talking.

Peter was looking at me with a sorry face while the other's, except Nat, Thor, Loki, Bucky and Clint, were a bit mad. Tony has the angriest one yet.

"What's happening?" I said as I sat on my normal seat.

"It's your birthday and you haven't told us." Tony said. "Well, it's not my fault that you don't know about it. And how did you know exactly?" I asked.

"Your mother went here, do I have to explain further?" He said. Goddamnit Mom.

I sighed before humming at him. "No thanks. Just get on with it." I said, reaching out for the food. "Tony, just leave it. She's clearly not having any of your bullshit today." Bucky growled.

"So about the 'thing'. He's giving you a day off for tomorrow." Nat called. I turned to Nat as I almost chocked on my food. Everyone clearly eyeing her the same. Except Loki, Wanda and Bruce.

"Do you think it's the best time to talk about the 'thing'?" I spoke. She shrugged, taking a bite of her food. I just sighed once again. "What's the thing and who knows it?" Tony turned to growl once again.

"Secret and Bruce, Loki, Wanda and her." I replied.

"Wait, how did Nat knew?" "Remember the tiny fight we did? Yeah, I'm ignoring you and Bruce so I told Nat about it. She supports me though, so that's good." I responds.

Wanda just nodded. "Okay, what is this 'thing'?!" Tony slightly raise his voice. Loki looked like he was about to burst. I decided to softly kick him in the leg, which gained his attention to me. I shook my head slightly, mouthing the words 'It's not worth it to fight.'

He gets it, relaxing a bit. Thor was calm but you could see the fury in his eyes. I rubbed Bucky's metal arm and Clint's, which relaxes them a bit. Wow, having a relationship with 4 guys is pretty hard.

It sure is. Wanda, shush please. Alright, bye. Let's talk later. Bring Nat. Got it.

"What. Is. The. Thing?!" Tony yelled again. I didn't even get the time to respond when thunder strikes the window. All of us snapped our heads to Thor. Who's eyes were almost glowing.

"Don't you dare speak at Ms. (Y/N) like that again or this will be another civil war, Stark." He shouted.

"Thor." Loki spoke, patting Thor's arm. "Let it go. It's not worth it." I added. It seemed to relax the thunder god a bit until he's back to normal but still glaring at Tony.

"I see, the god of thunder. The son of Odin himself, has taken a liking on someone's soulmate." Tony spoke, spitting poison at the sight of Thor.

"How could you be a soulmate if you haven't told her about everything. Even Ms.Pepper is freaking out since she saw the news. And you told her it's nothing. Do you think this 'nothing' will satisfy that woman's heart? It hurt your soulmate more than Ms. Pepper, herself."

Everyone was shocked at where or who the speaker was. It was Friday herself.

"Friday?" I muttered in an airy breath. "For fuck sake! Who's side are you on?!" Tony shouted.

"I am not on everyone's side, Mr. Stark. All I could say is, Ms. Pepper is being informed about this conversation right now. Since you don't have the guts to say it yourself. But Ms. (Y/N) is your soulmate. You should put that there. I don't care if you shut me down or kill me at least I have protected someone as innocent as Ms. (L/N)." The A.I. spoke.

It was a shocker. Friday. Like the Friday. Tony's A.I.. Is currently protecting me. What?.. But something happened which shocked me the most.

"She doesn't deserve you, Sir." She added.

The happy atmosphere was long gone. I know for sure the one's who knew about my relationship from the 4 guys are internally cheering for Friday.  Same with the 4 guys. Loki was currently grinning from ear to ear. Thor was surprised yet joy was in his eyes. Bucky was hiding a smile but he gave me a side smile and Clint who was smiling at me.

I looked at Wanda and Nat, them mouthing a 'go'. I just nodded before standing up and walking away. I started walking towards the elevator. It opened. "Thanks Friday." I smiled.

"Your welcome, Ms. (L/N)." The A.I. spoke before the elevator started ascending to the roof.


Looking upon the city as I saw the sun setting. It was a beautiful sunset. Colors filled the sky. I was relaxed and I like it. I don't want to be in that atmosphere, where they would just fight non-stop.

Remembering everything that happened on the past weeks. From school, to Tony, to everyone. Am I a lucky girl that was destined to Stark himself? Or this is just the beginning?

We're always fighting, why? Can we just be happy for once? Bucky, Clint. How could they like me? Even Loki and Thor, two gods. Two gods of Asgard. How?

"You're thinking quite deep there."

I turned around to see Wanda and Nat. "Hey guys." I smiled at them as they started walking towards me.

I looked back the sun, almost gone on the horizon. "Wanna have a girls night out?" Nat suggested, which Wanda giggled at. "That would be fun." She said.

"Yeah, I guess so. From those 5 clearly fighting everyday just for me. I need a rest." I chuckled. They laughed. "I knew you'll say that." Nat giggled.

"Movie night!" Wanda excitedly claimed. I just laughed. "C'mon, let's go to my room." I said which the two girls cheered at. "I'm getting the wine." Nat spoke.

"I'm 18." I spoke. "Just one." Nat replied, winking at me. I just sighed. I'm not getting out of this, huh? Definitely not getting out of this. Well fuck it. "Let's go." I chuckled.

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