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Ep.7 - Tower

"Here we are!" Sam and Nat both yelled. I got off my seat, walking to my bag which was besides Tony's. But he slapped my hand once I was reaching for it. He instantly got up and grabbed the bag before walking out the jet.

"What is wrong with him today?" I heard Thor behind me. "He's just jealous because of me." Clint replied. Nat, Sam and Loki laughed. Cap with a giggle and Thor was nodding his head.

I let a chuckle out before feeling someone grabbed my shoulder. "Are you ready to meet Bruce Banner and 'the almighty' Bucky Barnes?" Clint asked.

I can't hide the excitement in my eyes as I looked at him with a grin so wide and maybe my eyes were shinning like stars. He let another chuckle out before stepping out the jet. I followed behind him.

I'm definitely going to hug the shit out of Mr. Banner.

"Language." I heard behind me. "Did I-" "Yes." By the reply, I immediately looked down, my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. 'Firstly, OhmYGOD! Secondly, I'm definitely going to do that and Thirdly, why me?'

"You are quite easy to embarrass yourself, huh?" Loki now said. I didn't reply as I kept looking at the ground. I eventually bumped into Clint's back. "Sorry." I whispered. "It's fine, c'mon we'll get you some food and let's get you to your room." Clint said.

I looked up at him, smiling. I smiled back. 'Why am I surrounded by my idols? I don't fucking know! Oh yeah, the soulmate thing.'  We got to the elevator. "Tony must be down by now." I heard Sam.

"Welcome back, Mr. Barton, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Thor, Mr. Loki, Ms. Romanoff. And also, enjoy your stay, Ms. (L/N)."

"That's FRIDAY. An A.I that was created by Stark." Nat said. I immediately looked at the ceiling. "Yes indeed, the ceiling did talk." I heard Thor. I giggled before feeling the elevator go down.

We enjoyed the elevator music before we reach the floor. The doors opened revealing a hallway. "Clin- Mr. Barto-"

"Call me Clint, sweetheart. I don't mind." He replied as we pushed to the hallway. "Can we go to my room? I'm a bit tired." I nervously laughed as I looked down at my feet.

"You sure you're not hungry?" He asked. "Yeah. I'll come with you guys at lunch." I replied. I looked up, only for him to nod. "Well then, let's take a right over here. The others will be at the living room." He said.

He pulled me by my waist as we took a right to another hallway. "Nervous? I thought you're excited to meet Bruce and Bucky?" He said.

"Not feeling quite well, actually. I mean, I'm in the Avengers' tower. Like THE Avengers. Heck! I'm even talking to you right now. I need time to process everything, you know? But I promise, I'll come with you guys at dinner." I smiled at him.

He hummed before smiling back. "This is our stop. You know, you're right to come here. Someone is actually waiting for you at the living quarters. And I don't think, you would want to meet them since the jet thing happened." He said.

"Who- you know what, nevermind. I'm just tired for today. Night Clint."

"Good night, sweetheart." And with that he started walking away. I opened my door, to meet a huge ass bedroom.

"He's going to spoil you so much."

"Oh right." I walked in. My bag was already on the bed, it even has it's own kitchen! And living quarters! Stark, you're an absolute madman!

I stared in awe as I scan every room and doors. It also has a HUGE walk-in closet, filled with robes, towels and some shelf for my clothes or even more clothes if I go shopping, and a big ass bathroom. What is this? A tub or a small pool? If this is an indoor pool, I swear to God.

((You can image it on your own, most people refers to make it "Perfect" in their eyes.))

I already filled the tub with warm-luke water before going in the walk-in closet to steal a robe and a towel. I'll put my clothes in later on.

I sighed before stripping myself and going down the warm water. "This is the relaxation I needed." I sighed, letting myself sink until the water was under my nose. I could moan at this. I'm too relaxed, I like it.

"Ms. (L/N)." A voice came out of nowhere. I jumped before looking at the ceiling. "Yes?" I called.

"Mr. Stark is asking if you're okay." It said. "Tell him, I'm fine and not to bother me." "Will do, miss."

I waited for a couple of minutes, thinking the A.I. might come back. But it didn't so I let myself rest again. Once I got my relaxation I wanted, I quickly dried myself before putting the robe on. Unplugging the tub so it could sink the water.

I walked out to only jump to see a person on my bed. "Get the fuck out." I said. "Why? You could just dress in the closet." He said, pointing towards it. "God Stark, do you not know the word 'Get out'?" I said, glaring at him.

It feels like he was checking on me but he just sighed before walking out the door. I sighed in relief, walking towards my bag and started putting my clothes in the closet. I picked my big Bucky Barnes T-shirt and some short shorts.

I smiled as I turned to the mirror. "Still big and loose, just the one I like." I chuckled to myself before throwing my robe to a hanger and walked outside. "You can come in now." I said but no one came. "Friday? Where's Tony?" I asked.

"He's at the living quarters with Ms. Potts, ma'am." She called. 'Oh right. His wife.'

"Can you ask Clint to come here please?" I called. "Sure, ma'am." She replied. I was now sitting on my bed. Within seconds, my door flung open revealing Clint, breathing heavily.

"You didn't have to run, you know?" I giggled. "I need the exercise." He winked before laughing. I laughed with him. 'I wish Clint was my soulmate.'

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