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Ep.35 - Meeting

After a few days in the room, still thinking about escaping. I already knew there's no hope except the help from outside. Can they just find me faster?!

I'm getting sick of this place.

My thoughts get cut off with the sound of the door opening yet again. I turned to it as it opened revealing 4 guards. "Get up." One guy spoke.

I got up, not wanting to be in the guard's bad side. "Move." Another one spoke. Then I was pushed. I started moving with the other two guards in front of me and the other two behind me.

Turning corners after corners, we stopped at a room. I was then grabbed by both arms, dragging me in the room. I started wiggling out. Crap, they are strong. Super strong.

I was forced to sit down and they tied both my hands and legs on the chair. I never actually noticed the room I was in.

This is a.... Torture chamber.

               ~|POV Change|~

Nat's POV:

With the news on our hands, I already knew everyone including Fury will be up all night, trying to pinpoint where (Y/N) was. 

Bucky and Clint were currently being comforted by Steve and Pietro. As they broke down, just by the news itself. Loki turned emotionless, Thor was enraged. And Tony, he's already too broken to cry for once. But he's helping with the location.

And for some reason, Friday doesn't always respond to everyone, I bet it affected her as well. (Y/N) and her quite bond a bit.

"Everyone is being called by Director Fury in the meeting room. I repeat, Everyone is being called by Director Fury in the meeting room." Friday spoke.

I quickly walked to the elevator which was opened with Tony and Pepper inside. We got to the meeting room with everyone already in it.

We all sat down before looking at Fury. "You better give us news, Fury." Tony spoke clearly almost cracking his voice. I turned to look at the 4 guys, already knowing they were crying as their eyes were bloodshot and still puffy.

I sighed, looking back at Fury. "I already know who took her." He spoke. I never noticed (Y/N)'s mom beside Fury. She stared at me which I sadly smiled at. She smiled back before looking down.

"Well tell us." Steve spoke. The 5 guys looking at Fury with hope. "This will explain everything." Fury spoke yet again.

A video popped out from the screen.

"Well, hello avengers!" A man spoke. I turned to Peter who's hand is clearly breaking the glass table. He knew who it is.

"Why don't I introduce myself as I already knew, you guys must be confused! Well I'm-"


The familiar voice made everyone  smile a bit. She's still alive.

"SHUT UP!" The man spoke which we then heard something smacked on someone. "I'm very sorry about that- but please just call me The Mastermind." The man giggled.

"Pause it." Bucky spoke. The video paused and everyone looked at him. "The chair in the background. I know that from somewhere." He spoke.

Everyone turned to look, but with the man blocking half of the chair, it doesn't actually helped us.

"I hate to say this, but when I was in Hydra's hands, we started going around places. We went to some groups then the last one was the Blackblood, those were the  chairs that were being used to torture people." Bucky explained.

Just then, Peter finally broke a piece of the glass table. We turned to him. "Sorry. But that man is
(Y/N)'s father. The Blackblood's leader." He said. (Y/N)'s mom turned shocked at the moment before walking out the room.

"I'm not supposed to know this much information but.." He just sighed before walking out as well.

"So her father is torturing her." Bruce now spoke. "I still can't pinpoint where she was but now we know who took her." Fury now spoke.

"Do you even know what Blackblood did to their prisoners?!" Bucky shouted.

"They turned them into weapons like me! Do you even know how many they have killed since the past what? 17 years!" He added.
"They can wipe the whole world's population for all we know!"

"Bucky, calm down. We'll get her." Steve spoke. "Yeah, we'll get her.. when her mind is gone." Bucky replied, his eyes being glass like as it got shined by the light, before walking out the room.

Everything went silent. "Everyone is on the low right now." Pepper spoke. "Well I can't blame him. She's going to the same treatment Bucky got." Steve replied.

And with that Tony and Clint now walked out the room, clearly having tears falling from their faces. "We have to get her fast. Everything is falling apart." Wanda now spoke.

"Well, considering all of this, Tony will definitely work faster than he can." Pepper replied. "He got a lot of apologizing to do." I now spoke and stared at Wanda. She just nodded. "That's right, Tony and her aren't in good relationships right now but with everything, he will come out of his shell." Wanda spoke.

"C'mon, let's get back to work. I need to help Tony." Pepper sighed before walking out aswell.

"I think that's all for the meeting, I'll be watching this since we can't exactly finish the video but I'll inform you if I saw something." Fury spoke. We all nodded at each other before standing up.

So (Y/N)'s in Blackblood. I knew it, we should have stayed that night.

"Stop thinking about it." I heard Wanda whisper. I turned to her and sighed. "To know that we could have changed that outcome, it pains me the worst." I said, looking back down to the floor.

"Nat, she'll be fine. She defeated her dad once then she'll defeat him again. She's a strong and smart girl, she knows when it's not her time yet." Wanda smiled. I just nodded.

"I need air." I said before walking away. "Calm yourself." I heard Wanda behind me as I walked to the elevator.

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