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Ep.36 - The Viper

With the sound of cracking bones and heavy breathing, it woke me up from my deep slumber.

"Ms. Viper, please just rest while I heal you."

A voice so faint that I seemingly heard loud and clear. I just hummed before resting my whole body as I squint my eyes from the bright light.

After a couple of minutes, my eyes fall, making me go back to my sleep.

I woke up once again, slowly sitting up from the soft mattress underneath me. "Ms. Viper, you're awake. The boss is currently requesting you to see him." The deep groggy voice said.

I started stretching a bit before jumping off the bed.

God, I still have my clothes from yesterday.

"I'll change first, looking disgusting." I spoke before walking away, not even bothering about the aching pain on my body.

I got to my room, changing into my gear before walking to corridors after corridors. While tying the hidden dagger on my wrist.

Once I got to the boss's room, I quickly opened the door and smiled. "Good afternoon, father." I spoke.

"Ah, good afternoon Viper." He replied.

"What do you need me for?" I asked. "I need you to come with an ally of us to destroy some ignorant people that seemed to like to destroy our business." He replied.

I just nodded. "And I want them gone, Viper. You do know what is going to happen if you are unsuccessful." He added which send a bit of shivers on my back.

"I'll get my mask then, father. And please, tell them to hurry up. I am waiting." I spoke as I walk out the door. "Don't fail." Was the only thing that I heard from him as I closed the door behind me.

I quickly went to my room to grab my mask, a half skull of a wild boar. Before heading out to the helipad, weapons on hidden places on my clothes and smirked as I heard the helicopter.

I looked up to notice a familiar guy. "Pierce." I spoke, nodding my head to the guy. He nodded back. "Come on in, I'll fill you the things." He said, just in time for the helicopter to land.

I quickly went in, sat on the opposite side of Pierce before feeling the helicopter fly up yet again.

"So who's this people?" I begin asking. "The avengers." He replied.

"I have to kill the avengers?" I asked. "Did I stutter?" He spoke. I turned to him with a stern face. "No, you didn't. But just remember, Boss told me it's fine to kill an ally, if the ally is being a bitch. I have venom, Pierce. And I'm not afraid to give you some." I said.

This made the man shut his mouth. "Yeah, be scared." I smirked at him. "We're much higher than you." I smiled.

With the moment of silence, we finally arrived in the city.

Without warning, I jumped out of the helicopter and land on the middle of the bridge.

With cars, shifting to the sides causing the drivers to die. I smirked at the sudden scent of blood on my nose.

I took my guns out before bombing part of the bridge with a grenade. I jumped down to the main road below. And there I saw people.

Then it hits me. The smell of alcohol, motor oil, SUPREME perfume and a ton of mixed chemicals.

It made me a bit dizzy. What the heck is this scent?

"You're not going anywhere." I heard a voice and before I could react, I already knocked the blue lighting flash guy down to the ground, with a broken nose.

I smiled sheepishly to the others. I feel like very drunk right now. I decided to shook it off and before I know it, I'm in the middle of a fight.

An almost punch here, fire being blasted there, bullets almost raining to my body that way, some huge ass rocks being thrown to me this way, spiderwebs almost sticking me to something the other way.

I feel like I'm dancing in the middle of an intense fight. Just kept dodging everything.

A knife almost hit me to my side which I stopped, only to strike back with my hidden wrist dagger. Of course, the man dodges but his hand went through my mask. The cost?

He pulled my mask off.

Everyone seemed to stop.

"(Y/N)?" The iron covered freak spoke. "Who's (Y/N)?" I turned to him as I back away from the shocked group. Once the distance is a bit longer, I run away from them.

"Wait! (Y/N)?!" I heard shouts from behind. But I keep running much faster than the last time I ran.

With the question in my head:
Who's (Y/N)?

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