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Ep.37 - Manhattan Mall

While running, I stole a bike from the ground and to my luck, the idiot owner left the keys. I started speeding, keeping my distance to the people chasing me. Once I know they stopped following, I speed to base without alerting the police.

Who's (Y/N)? Do I have a sister? And what is that smell earlier?

I groaned as I walked and walked to the corridors.

"I have told you! The Avengers killed her!" A shout can be heard to one room. I turned to the voice to see my father's office.

Pierce.. That fucking shit.

Without any warning from the people inside, I opened the double doors and stared at the two men.

My father having a very pissed off face and Pierce regretting everything he just said. "You were saying?" I spoke, looking at Pierce and before you know it. Pierce dropped dead to the floor, a bullet to his head.

You smiled at your father. "I'll be going, father." You spoke. He just nodded.

The others' pov:

"That was her!" Yelled Tony as he started pacing back and forth in the meeting room. Everyone was there, including Fury, (Y/N)'s Mom and Agents Hill and Coulson.

They kept replaying the camera footage of Bucky, just ripping her mask off her face and Bucky seemingly froze completely.

"We know, Stark. We know. But with a ton of them, we can't just swoop in and steal her." Fury replied. He had a point.

And with Bucky's proof from when he were at Hydra. They could tell that even he doesn't wanna just swoop in.

"Emerson is going to pay for this." (Y/N)'s Mom murmured in her breath. Fury's immediate response was to hold her hand, looking worriedly.

"We will get her back." Fury replied.

"I have received a message from our undercover agent. Pierce was killed, shot by "The mastermind". And he needed to get out of there because Emerson saw him." Coulson spoke as he turned to Fury.

Fury just nodded. Sending undercover agents was a suicide mission for the agents of Shield. Atleast 9.5/10 was killed because of it, but they knew what was about to happen.

"We have to get her quick." Bucky spoke. "If she stayed there longer, she wouldn't get any of her memories back. And could even forget about the soulmate thing."

This made Tony froze in place before snapping his head to the Winter Soldier. "She would forget what?!" He yelled.

"This is the reason why I told all of you to find her quick." Bucky spoke again.

(Y/N)'s Mom sighed which gain eyes on her. "BlackBlood is once a company of mind control. They do it by taking memories from the victim and gave them different ones. Some says, they were born in a test tube in the company but they were actually a normal human being. And because of this mutants like the X-Men were taken there, to erase memories of having such powers or like my baby, making them a weapon."

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Fury spoke in disbelief.

"I was supposed to when I heard her got taken but when Peter spoke about Emerson, I was shocked as to how he knew this, since he and (Y/N) weren't close friends those time. Betty and Jacob was her only friends. And I was supposed to tell you but you were always busy whenever I go to you. Maria or any of the agents would say, you wouldn't like visitors. So I didn't got the chance." She spoke, sighing yet again.

Peter, who was sitting between Nat and Bruce, looked down. Eyes already on him. "I knew about it because of Dr. Strange. I was actually supposed to meet (Y/N) in BlackBlood because my father was working there and I wouldn't be Spiderman. So because of this, he have to change reality a bit so my 'supposedly' parents were dead and I'm with Aunt May."

"Wait, you're supposed to meet
(Y/N) in BlackBlood?" Bruce spoked in shock, same with the others. Peter just nodded, head still down.

"Oh my god, Peter." Wanda now spoke.

Silence being ringing the room before a portal opened from the far end of the room, with Strange walking out of it.

"Hello again."

"Can you change reality so (Y/N) wouldn't be in BlackBlood?" Tony immediately asked the floating man.

This made Strange sigh. "If I did, you wouldn't be her soulmate, Stark. And with a googol amount of outcomes, this is the most positive one. The rest of the outcomes would always lead to her death." The reality bender spoke.

Tony responded the guy with his head slamming the glass table, with a groan coming out of him.

The doctor looked at him, worriedly. "Everything has time, Stark. Be patience and with this, I have to say. You will meet her in a bit." Strange spoke before disappearing again to another portal.

Everyone looked confused. Until a warning was send to the board, and a video of what seems like a big explosion.

This made everyone tense before they ran out of the meeting room.

(Y/N)'s pov:

Explosions and debris were left and right, father told about distracting my targets before I strike them. And that I did. My team was supposed to attack Manhattan Mall tomorrow but it got moved today. For them I want their heads.

But I still can't figure why I had smelled the thing. With a sigh left in my mouth. I have smelled the same thing now.

I wanted to follow it but my targets were now here. Sorry smelly person, fight first. 

Another had started yet again, but this time I have back-up. In the middle of a fight of this guy with a dagger - that also pulled my mask off - I pulled out my pistol and shot him in the stomach, before running to the others.

Where I stared at someone. Their smell was the same one as last one. I froze, staring at the flying tin man in the air and with that, he stared back, his mask attracting back where his face was shown.

I gulped. Why am I attracted?

And before he flown down to me, I was back to my senses as Nathan pushed me back and shoot the tin man, causing him to back away.

"Why did you just froze?!" He yelled at me. I just groaned, glaring at him before I started running to the red assassin.

This fight doesn't seem to last until night time, where we retreated to the base, we didn't hurt a lot of them but we did hurt the archer and the dagger guy.

I return back to my room after I have told father about my progress.

A question on my head: Why do he smell like that?


Double update because I feel bad for leaving this 'masterpiece' and you guys who literally enjoys the book.. Some of y'all literally waits for the next update like bruh. 1 minute later, I saw the same people who reads and votes one of the ep.

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